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Weather Instruments

Weather Instruments:  #'s - E        H - O       P - S        T - Z

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

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17 Foot Wind Turbine. Part 3. Stator Fabrication. -   Continuation The coils for the new 17 foot wind turbine are larger than those for the first 17 footer we made.  We actually use exactly the same size and shape of coil that we did for the 20 foot diameter wind turbine.  Again - - if you're thinking__ 

17 Foot Wind Turbine. Part 4. Assembly & Blades -   Continuation This page is about the assembly of the alternator.  Pictured above we have the back magnet rotor assembled to the wheel hub with all the studs on.  The back rotor lays right on the back machined surface of the wheel hub.  Again__ 

1 Wire Barometer - OWW is an application for Linux and RISC OS to drive the 1-wire weather station. . . . Designed by Simon Melhuish

1 wire barometer -   This is a description and the ongoing story of my project to build a 1 wire barometer based on the MPX4115A __ Designed by Philip Gladstone

1 - Wire Barometer. Part 1 -   This article describes details for constructing a 1 - Wire Barometer which will work on a Dallas Semiconductor Corporation 1 - Wire network. it differs from the popular Version 1.1a in that it has more than twice the resolution. __ Designed by David W. Bray

1 - Wire Barometer. Part 2 -   The design presented in the schematic above is not the only possible barometer that can be constructed with this printed circuit board. Not only is the printed circuit board designed to be modified for different voltage sources and 1 - wire networks, but the values of the resistors can be modified for different ranges of barometric pressure and resolutions. __ Designed by David W. Bray

1 - Wire Barometer. Part 3 -   Suggestions on Final Calibration Getting your barometer accuracy calibrated will take adjustment over several cycles of barometric pressure change.  The initial calibration will not be accurate unless your MPX4115 has the same output vs pressure __ Designed by David W. Bray

1 - Wire Barometer - - 5/10 Volt Design vrs 2 -   This article describes details for constructing a 1 - Wire Barometer which will work on a Dallas Semiconductor Corporation 1 - Wire network.  it differs from the popular Version 1.1a in that it has more than twice the resolution. __ Designed by David W. Bray

5V From Portable Wind Turbine -   This project deals with the design and development of a portable wind turbine unit, capable of generating electricity from the kinetic energy in the wind.  The circuit requires a DC motor, ...__ Electronics Projects for You

741 Based Light Sensor -   The circuit as shown act as a light sensor.  Under normal conditions the resistance of the LDR is high, keeping pin 2 low.  When light falls onto the LDR the resistance drops to a couple hundred ohms and triggers pin 2 high which biases the base of Q1 via pin 6 and R4 and in turn activates the relay __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

A Barometer That Measures Your Height -   31 - Jul - 09 - Design News:   Here's a weather instrument - the Dodecahedral Barometer - that can actually determine how tall you are by reading the barometric pressure between your head and your feet.  Mark Thoren notes that his gadget was inspired by the release of some new electronic products.  The first is a Serta model 270 __  Gadget Freak - Case #145

A Portable Lightning Detector -   This little device could save your life...__ SiliconChip

Altimeter Project -   Making a altimeter using the Basic Stamp ii.  I finally got my Basic Stamp Pocket Altimeter done.  My first version of my altimeter used a linear equation , which I found is not really accurate at all.  So I got a PAK ii math coprocessor to calculate the altitude.  Although the PAK ii worked like a charm in my old bulky altimeter, I wanted to make one that was pocket size and the PAK ii was just too big.  in pocket altimeter I overcame the Stamp's lack of math capabilties by using a method known as linearization to do the calculations.   __ Designed by Shaun Wilson

Amateur weather station to APRS interface ALWXI - 01 -   Before putting the WS APRS interface into operation the network parameters should be set.  This can be done using a PC connected to the ALWXi - 01 through a serial interface.  Any terminal emulating SW supporting TTY, VT52 or VT100 mode (HyperTerminal, WTT, etc.) will do the job just fine.  Connect the interface to the PC using a three wire cross - connected serial cable (RXD< - - >TXD, TXD< - - >RXD, GND< - - >GND)  __ Designed by Aleksander Stare

An Experimenter's 1 - Wire Barometer -   This article describes details for constructing a 1 - Wire Barometer which will work on a Dallas Semiconductor Corporation 1 - Wire network.   The reason for this second version is that the transistor level - changer of the original design was found to be temperature sensitive.  if you have constructed the original version (V1.0) you can modify it according to the diagram shown below.  This involves removing the transistor and 5 resistors, then rewiring it with 6 new resistors. __ Designed by David W. Bray

Anemometer -   A totally Electronic circuit to measure Air Flow, Zero to 250 feet per Minute  Thats only 2.84 MPH, But MAYBE it can be Modified for other Rates of Air Flow.   __ Designed by G.L. Chemelec

Anemometer Fights Dust -   08/30/01 EDN Design Ideas:  As higher levels of power dissipation underscore the need for cooling, andfans are finding their way into small electronic enclosures.  The dust that fans pull into these enclosures can, however, cause major problems for high - reliability systems.  By coating heat sinks and electrically charged components, the dust acts as a blanket that raises the effective thermal impedance betw Design by Jim Christensen, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Animated Weather LED Display -   21 - Mar - 14 - Design News:   This project displays the weather in the form of an animation on an LED matrix (32x32 resolution or 1024 LEDs).  The Raspberry Pi is periodically pulling weather conditions from the internet and then sending a corresponding animated gif weather animation to the iOiO board and LED display.  iOiO is an __  Gadget Freak - Case #252

Another One - Transistor Cloud Charge Monitor -   Note: the above charge monitors are really just toys.  Although fun and interesting, their arbitrary zero limits them to monitoring changing fields and makes them inferior to a mechanical field mill.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Arduino hygrometer with grafic interface -   This device is digital wifi hygrometer.  it's a miniature arduino web server.   By mapping ports of your router, you can connect to it from anywhere on the world.  This hygrometer uses arduino skech and trendy vector graphics format SVG. __ Designed by © Pavel Janko

Atmospheric Detector -   "Sferics"(also spelled "spherics") is short for atmospherics and refers to the crackling static in a radio produced by lightning.  This receiver is tuned to an unused portion of the LF band provides enough sensitivity to detect lightning activity for hundreds or even thousands of miles.  Best performance is achieved with an external antenna, but just a few yards of insulated wire is sufficient.  A short whip mounted on the unit will work fine for picking up local storms. __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Atmospheric Disturbance Monitor -   Schematic + info + pictures __ Designed by Lennie Zink

Automatic Rain Gauge with Digital Readout -   it collects, measures, records and empties.  Best of all, you don't have to leave the house.__ SiliconChip

Ball Lightning Detector -   Schematic + info + pictures __ Designed by Lennie Zink

Barometer That Measures Your Height -   July 31, 2009   Here's a weather instrument - the Dodecahedral Barometer - that can actually determine how tall you are by reading the barometric pressure between your head and your feet.  Mark Thoren notes that his gadget was inspired by the release of some new electronic  products.   __  Gadget Freak - Case 145

Barometer WiFi ESP8266 - Lua -   Glass & Brass barometer is precise digital wifi barometer with pressure sensor BMP085 or BMP180 and wifi module ESP8266.  it's a miniature web server.
By mapping ports of your router, you can connect to it from anywhere on the world.  The barometer uses Lua software and
trendy vector graphics format SVG.  The barometer is particularly interesting for its graphic design.  in terms of program, this is simple.
Thanks to this, barometer is quite fast and stable, which was my goal. __ Designed by © Pavel Janko

Barometers -   Note: the above charge monitors are really just toys.  Although fun and interesting, their arbitrary zero limits them to monitoring changing fields and makes them inferior to a mechanical field mill.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Circuit tests power - outage susceptibility -   03/03/97 EDN Design Ideas:  Brief (1 sec or shorter) power outages are common in developing countries and seem to be increasing in the United States.  They are generally nondestructive, so power - protection equipment should not trip and disconnect the load.  Electric motors do not appreciably slow, and electronic equipment can usually ride through the outages on the energy stored in filter capacitors.  As a point of reference, a 10 - msec outage makes an incandescent light bulb flicker.  At 100 msec, you can see the bulb go completely dark.  Figure 1 shows a simple circuit for generating brief outages for equipment - susceptibility testing.    Design by Ron Tipton, TDL Electronics, Las Cruces, NM

Cloud Charge Monitor -   The Cloud Charge Monitor is an extremely sensitive device capable of detecting subtle (and not - sosubtle) changes in the accumulated charge overhead.  The device consists of a charge - sensing antenna, a 60 Hz notch filter, a self - zeroing integrator, a signal limiter, and a leakage zero adjustment (circuit / schematic design)  __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Connection tester for checking solder joints & other connections -   A low resistance (0.25 4 ohm) continuity tester for checking soldered joints and connections __ Designed by Andy Collison

Detector Lightning -   A VLF receiver tuned to 300 kHz designed to detect the crackle of approaching lightning.  A bright lamp flashes in synchrony with the lightning bolts indicating the proximity and intensity of the storm.  it has a superior RF section with a single resonance near 300kHz and plenty of sensitivity.  The antenna is a telescopic antenna that extends to two or three feet __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Dew Sensor -   Dew (condensed moisture) adversely affects the normal performance of sensitive electronic devices.  A low - cost circuit described here can be used to switch off any gadget automatically in case of excessive humidity.  At the heart of the circuit is an inexpensive (resistor type) dew sensor element.  Although dew sensor elements are widely used in video cassette players and recorders, these may not be easily available in local market.  However, the same can be procured from__ 

Dew - Point Sensor -   Dew - point sensors are widely used in sensitive electronic equipment like cameras and copiers etc, to protect them from moisture failure by fast detection of dew.  You can easily build one yourself...__ Electronics Projects for You

Electronic Barometer -   Sooner or later the weather hobbyist wants an electronic barometer, the main advantage being that it can be read automatically by a computer, chart recorder, or other data taking system.  Most electronic barometers use some sort of strain gauge transducer to directly convert pressure to voltage and true weather bureau performance can be difficult to achiever __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Electroscope - Portable   -   Schematic + info + pictures __ Designed by Lennie Zink

Electronic Wind Vane with 16 - LED Display -   Novel design uses a Gray encoded disc.__ SiliconChip

Ethernet Weather Station -   Using an add - on card to the already existing avr ethernet board we build a weather station.  That is: A weather station with a build - in webserver.  My original plan was to have sensors for temperature, air pressure and wind.  I started a prototype and it worked very well except for the wind measurement part.  I plan to improve the wind measurement hardware and add it at a later point in time.  __ 

Fridge Temperature & Humidity Indicator -   We can measure temperature and humidity inside the fridge using a normal temperature - humidity indicator but relative humidity (RH) could be inaccurate in that case.  The moment the fridge door is opened, ...__ Electronics Projects for You

Weather Instruments:  #'s - E        H - O       P - S        T - Z

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