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Audio Circuits:  Level, Tone and Balance Circuits
Audio Circuits -- Main Page

Automatic Level Tone Balance:  #'s - A      B - H      I - R      S - Z

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Basic Tone Control -  This is the basic design diagram of tone control circuit for home audio system.  The circuit can be modified refer to your needs. 

Baxandall Tone Control -  This is the most common of all modern tone control circuits, and was named after PJ Baxandall who came up with the idea many years ago.  The original design was article was entitled "Negative Feedback Tone ControlIndependent Variation of Bass and Treble Without Switches", __ Designed by Rod Elliott  ESP

Beetle Mk III -  This project is based on our most stable FM transmitter.  It has a number of features, with a volume control to adjust the input level and a small, neat box to make it easier to attach to a guitar.  The volume control is positioned at the end and when turned up fully, the transmitter provides fuzz   (distortion). __ Contact: Collin Mitchell

Better Volume (and Balance) controls -  A volume control using a linear pot that is much better than most log pots __ Designed by Rod Elliott  ESP

Better Volume Control -  how to create a log pot that is better than the "real" thing __ Designed by Rod Elliott  ESP

Build a simple, soft-action muting switch -  14-Oct-04 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit in Figure 1 adds a soft muting switch with power-up/power-down muting to a line-level audio circuit.  R4, C1, and JFET Q1 quietly ground a signal in 100 to 200 msec when you close S1 or release it when you open S1.  Potentiometer R2, set to twice Q1's cutoff voltage, makes the on/off transition times roughly equal__ Circuit Design by John Firestone, Bremerhaven, Germany

Delay Unit for Surround Sound -  The Mitsubishi M65830 Delay IC has been discontinued (for reasons beyond my comprehension) , and so far a suitable replacement device has not been found.  This means (of course) that you will be unable to build this delay circuit.  I have left the project in place as reference, and the overall connection schematic is still valid if (when?) a replacement for the M65830 is located.  The project will be updated at that time.  In the meantime, just ignore the delay circuit __ Designed by Rod Elliott  ESP

Delayed Audible Alarm -  In this circuit, three multivibrator-type oscillators and a ripple counter are configured to produce an interesting, alarming sound, using two inexpensive integrated circuits plus a few other components.  Operation is as follows:U1A and U1B and their associated components are configured as multivibrators, each of a selected audio frequency __ Designed by Arthur Harrison

Digital Delay Unit for Surround Sound -  The Mitsubishi M65830 Delay IC has been discontinued (for reasons beyond my comprehension) , and so far a suitable replacement device has not been found.  This means (of course) that you will be unable to build this delay circuit.  I have left the project in place as reference, and the overall connection schematic is still valid if (when?) a replacement for the M65830 is located.  The project will be updated at that time.  In the meantime, just ignore the delay circuit __ Designed by Rod Elliott  ESP

Digital volume control -  The Tiny Audio Amplifier kit is a good choice for battery operation.  It is based on LM386 IC.

Digital Volume Control -  The heart of this digital volume controller DVC circuit is IC2 4067, 16-channel analog multiplexer.  Because the 1kΩ has been connected between every input and output, the multiplexer can act like a potentiometer.  The total resistance is 15kΩ.  You can use different values for the resistor to obtain a different characteristic. __ Designed by Popescu Marian

Digital volume control -  Circuit of a digital volume control using six discrete ICs, including a 5V regulator, is presented.  IC1 (555) is configured to function as astable flip-flop.  Its frequency or period may be adjusted by proper choice of resistors R44, R45 and capacitor C6 combination.  Here it is for 0.3 second period __ Contact: IQ Technologies

Digital Volume Control -  This circuit could be used for replacing your manual volume control in a stereo amplifier.  In this circuit, push-to-on switch S1 controls the forward (volume increase) operation of both channels while a similar switch S2 controls __ Contact: IQ Technologies

Digital volume control has log taper -  04/11/02 EDN-Design Ideas Digital potentiometers provide a compact and convenient way to attenuate audio-amplifier signals.  However, most such potentiometers suffer from at least one flaw  a nonlogarithmic step increment.  To avoid this problem, a user must usually step the potentiometer in a nonlinear sequence to simulate a logarithmic taper__ Circuit Design by Doug Farrar, Los Altos, CA

Digital Volume Control using DS1669 Digital Pot IC -  This digital volume control has no pot to wear out and introduces almost no noise in the circuit.  Instead, the volume is controlled by pressing UP and DOWN buttons.  This simple circuit would be a great touch to any home audio project. __ Designed by Aaron Cake

Digital Volume Control with DS1669 -  This is digital volume control circuit which uses DS1669 as the main volume control.  This is stereo volume control, you can use stereo push button switch for to control both channel by together.

Easy Parametric & Graphic Eq's Plus Peaks & Notches -  If you're into playing with tone controls and notch filters to see how they change the sound out of your effects, you will undoubtedly have built several glops of R's, C's and pots, maybe some L's to make up the tone networks.  While this is fun, it's not very flexible.  Sooner or later you might wonder if there is a more general solution to messing with tone controls. __ Designed by © 1999 R.G. Keen

Expandable Graphic Equaliser -  Constant Q design.  Can be made using as many or as few sections as needed __ Designed by Rod Elliott  ESP

FM RDS Tuner Module -  Stereo FM band receiver with RDS decoding for mobile applications.
Continuous full RDS data output through RS232: RDS PS, PI, TA/TP/TMC, CT, TMC.  Full Radio Text supported: 2x64 characters.  Raw TMC data output. __ Designed by Michel Bavin

FM RDS/RBDS + AM tuner Module -  High quality integrated tuner module for worldwide FM, RDS/RBDS and AM reception.  Receives full FM, LW, MW, and SW bands. __ Designed by Michel Bavin

Guitar Control -  Stand-alone, 9V battery powered unit; Three-level input selector, three-band tone control __ Contact: Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

HF/6m Tuner Preselector -  Ham RadioBALUN, TUNERSSchematic __ Designed by Guy Roels ON6MU

HF/VHF mini portable tuner -  If you elect to use an antenna tuner, it is extremely important that you understand exactly how to use tuners and what they can and cannot do.  A few watts of RF can easily become lost in an incorrectly adjusted antenna matching device.  The whole idea of a QRP station is to keep things simple and economical, so I cannot overemphasize the priority of a clean, efficient connection of the amplifier output to a resonant antenna. __ Designed by Guy Roels ON6MU

HF/VHF portable antenna tuner -  Ham RadioBALUN, TUNERSSchematic __ Designed by Guy Roels ON6MU

High-Quality DAB+/FM Tuner, Pt.1 -  We know you've been waiting for it and after more than a year in development, we are delighted to present this world-first high performance DAB+/FM stereo tuner design.  It has all the bells and whistles of DAB+ in a sleek pro-quality case, with all features accessible by remote control. __ SiliconChip

High-Quality DAB+/FM Tuner, Pt.2 Last month, we introduced our new DAB+/FM Stereo Tuner and gave the circuit details.  This month, we show you how to assemble the two PC boards and install them into a low-profile steel case. __ SiliconChip

High-Quality DAB+/FM Tuner, Pt.3 -  In this month's final part, we explain how to use the DAB+/FM Stereo Tuner and describe the menu system.  We also show you how you can upgrade the firmware if necessary and describe various features of the tuner in detail. __ SiliconChip

Homemade RF choke -  Ham RadioBALUN, TUNERSSchematic __ Designed by Guy Roels ON6MU

Automatic Level Tone Balance:  #'s - A      B - H      I - R      S - Z

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