Li-ION Linear Charger Allows Fast Full Current Charging While Limiting PC Board
Temperature to 85°C - DN283 Design Notes (Linear
Technology) __ Linear Technology
Li-Ion Powered Supply for CCD Imager and Five
White Backlight LEDs - The LT3587 provides a complete
biasing solution for CCD (15V AT 50mA, -8V AT 100mA) and LED backlighting from a single Li-Ion cell __ Linear Technology App Note, Mar 24, 2010
Li-Ion to +5V AT 25mA, +16V AT 1mA, –13V AT 1mA
TFT LCD Power Supply + 10 White LEDs - The LTC3524 is an
integrated BIAS and white LED power converter solution for small/medium-sized polysilicon thin film transistor (TFT)
liquid crystal (LCD) display panels __ Linear Technology App Note, Mar 24, 2010
Li-Ion to Six White LEDs and OLED/LCD Bias - The LT3498 can provide both the positive bias voltage required for OLED or CCD bias as well
as drive multiple white LEDs for display backlighting __ Linear Technology App Note, Mar 24th 2010
Lithium charger - Schematic only, no circuit description __ Designer's name not given
Lithium Ion Battery Charger - Lithium Ion batteries pack a lot of power by weight compared to other types. There are 2
things that need to be handled differently than NiCad on NiMH
__ . by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona
Lithium Ion Battery Charging using
Bipolar Transistors - Zetex Semiconductors Applications
Note: This application note explores the different types of charge techniques and associated discrete pass
elements, highlighting the dominant discrete parameters and selection criteria for each charging technique __
Lithium Ion Battery Charger using
a 555 Timer, LM339 and TL431 - __ Bill Bowden, designer
Lithium Ion Battery Charger Using
a TL431 and Single Transistor - __ Bill Bowden, designer
Lithium Ion
Solar Battery Charger-#2 - A single lithium ion battery cell needs 4.2v from a current source to insure it is fully charged. A solar panel with just enough individual cells wired in series to produce the needed voltage would be more efficient than one with more cells for a given surface area. If you divide 4.2 by eight you come up with a figure of 0.525 volts __ . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E., 05/22/13
Lithium Ion, Lithium Poly
Charger Circuit - The above circuit will charge any 2-cell
* Li-Ion battery pack. Maximum current is about 650 milliamps. The circuit is designed for batteries of 900mah or
higher. Note this circuit is NOT for Li-Metal batts (i. e. Duralites). Power source can be a 12v Gell cell (Power
panel) , or can be powered by a car's cigarette lighter. I use an old 12v DC wall transformer (800ma or more.)
Radio shack sells a 12v/1amp wall DC adapter #273-1776 that will work. Supply does not need to be regulated. In
fact my cheap supply outputs 17 volts with no load __ .
LT1510 High Efficiency Lithium-Ion Battery Charger - DN111
Design Notes (Linear Technology) __ Linear Technology
LT1511 Low Dropout Constant-Current/Constant-Voltage 3a Battery Charger - DN144 Design Notes (Linear Technology) __ Linear Technology