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Lithium Battery Charger Circuits
Battery Chargers:  Alkaline       Lead Acid        Lithium      Nickel

Lithium Battery Chargers:  #'s - K        L - M        N - Z

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

Lithium Ion Solar Battery Charger-#2 -  A single lithium ion battery cell needs 4.2v from a current source to insure it is fully charged.  A solar panel with just enough individual cells wired in series to produce the needed voltage would be more efficient than one with more cells for a given surface area.  If you divide 4.2 by eight you come up with a figure of 0.525 volts… . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E., 1/10/00

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:


Li-ion battery charger adapts to different chemistries -  09/02/99 EDN Design Idea   Rechargeable lithium-ion (Li-on) cells require a precise charging voltage for maximum performance. The battery chemistry, of which there are many, determines the optimum charge voltage. Two of the more common charging voltages are 4.1V±50 mV and 4.2V±50 mV per cell. Consider the following situation: You have thousands of three-cell Li-ion battery chargers with an output voltage of 12.6V±1%. However, because of a battery-chemistry change, your chargers now need 12.3V±1%. The 12.6V output is well-regulated and has current limiting, but the voltage is 300 mV too high, and you cannot easily adjust it __   by Fran Hoffart, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA


Li-Ion Battery Charging Requires Accurate Voltage Sensing -  Analog Devices-Analog Dialogue __ by Buxton, Joe


Li-Ion CCD Bias Supply (15V,-8V) -  The LT3472 delivers up to –8V at 50mA and 15V at 20mA from a lithium-ion cell, providing bias for many popular CCD imagers __ Linear Technology App Note, Mar 24, 2010

Li-Ion Charge Termination IC Interfaces with PWM Switchers -  DN242 Design Notes (Linear Technology) __ Linear Technology

Li-ION Charge Termination using the LT1505 -  DN244 Design Notes (Linear Technology) __ Linear Technology

Li-Ion Charger -  Lithium Ion batteries pack a lot of power by weight compared to other types. There are 2 things that need to be handled differently than NiCad on NiMH __ .  by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

Li-Ion Charger -  The LP2951 regulator is manufactured by National Semiconductor. The choice of values is from an application note Battery Charging, written by Chester Simpson. Diode D1 can be any diode from the 1N00x series, whichever is __ Izhar Fareed-Circuit Designer

Li-ION Linear Charger Allows Fast Full Current Charging While Limiting PC Board Temperature to 85°C -  DN283 Design Notes (Linear Technology) __ Linear Technology

Li-Ion Powered Supply for CCD Imager and Five White Backlight LEDs -  The LT3587 provides a complete biasing solution for CCD (15V AT 50mA, -8V AT 100mA) and LED backlighting from a single Li-Ion cell __ Linear Technology App Note, Mar 24, 2010

Li-Ion to +5V AT 25mA, +16V AT 1mA, –13V AT 1mA TFT LCD Power Supply + 10 White LEDs -  The LTC3524 is an integrated BIAS and white LED power converter solution for small/medium-sized polysilicon thin film transistor (TFT) liquid crystal (LCD) display panels __ Linear Technology App Note, Mar 24, 2010

Li-Ion to Six White LEDs and OLED/LCD Bias -  The LT3498 can provide both the positive bias voltage required for OLED or CCD bias as well as drive multiple white LEDs for display backlighting __ Linear Technology App Note, Mar 24th 2010

Lithium charger -  Schematic only, no circuit description __ Designer's name not given

Lithium Ion Battery Charger -  Lithium Ion batteries pack a lot of power by weight compared to other types. There are 2 things that need to be handled differently than NiCad on NiMH __ .  by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

Lithium Ion Battery Charging using Bipolar Transistors -  Zetex Semiconductors Applications Note:  This application note explores the different types of charge techniques and associated discrete pass elements, highlighting the dominant discrete parameters and selection criteria for each charging technique __ . 

Lithium Ion Battery Charger using a 555 Timer, LM339 and TL431 - __ Bill Bowden, designer

Lithium Ion Battery Charger Using a TL431 and Single Transistor - __ Bill Bowden, designer

Lithium Ion Solar Battery Charger-#2 -  A single lithium ion battery cell needs 4.2v from a current source to insure it is fully charged.   A solar panel with just enough individual cells wired in series to produce the needed voltage would be more efficient than one with more cells for a given surface area.   If you divide 4.2 by eight you come up with a figure of 0.525 volts __ . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.,  05/22/13

Lithium Ion, Lithium Poly Charger Circuit -  The above circuit will charge any 2-cell * Li-Ion battery pack. Maximum current is about 650 milliamps. The circuit is designed for batteries of 900mah or higher. Note this circuit is NOT for Li-Metal batts (i. e. Duralites). Power source can be a 12v Gell cell (Power panel) , or can be powered by a car's cigarette lighter. I use an old 12v DC wall transformer (800ma or more.) Radio shack sells a 12v/1amp wall DC adapter #273-1776 that will work. Supply does not need to be regulated. In fact my cheap supply outputs 17 volts with no load __ . 

LT1510 High Efficiency Lithium-Ion Battery Charger -  DN111 Design Notes (Linear Technology) __ Linear Technology

LT1511 Low Dropout Constant-Current/Constant-Voltage 3a Battery Charger -  DN144 Design Notes (Linear Technology) __ Linear Technology

Lithium Ion Battery Charger Circuits
Battery Charges      Alkaline       Lead Acid       

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