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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

3-phaseProgrammable Controller for ON/OFF Motor-  Automatic on/off controller for a 3-phase electric motor can be made with a programmable time switch.  In this case a maximum of eight time durations can be programmed.  The system has two...__ Electronics Projects for You

A Programmable Continuity Tester-  Our go/no-go continuity tester giving you the ability to set minimum continuity.__ SiliconChip

A Programmable PIC-Powered Timer-  This PIC-based timer can be set for any period from one second up to 680 days and even (theoretically) up to nearly 60 years.__ SiliconChip

A Programmable-Continuity-Tester-  Easy-to-build unit lets you set the continuity "pass" threshold to anywhere between 1Ω and 100Ω.  It makes an Ideal go/no-go tester.__ SiliconChip

A Transaction Approach to Error Handling-  EDN Design Ideas:  04/28/94  You can apply the transaction-based recovery concept used in databases to any application.  Doing so helps provide more reusable and maintainable programs.  Programs contain two major paths: a forward path that does the work and a reverse path that rolls back the work when the program detects errors.  Typically, these paths are so tightly bound together that both paths are difficult to read.  Code that is difficult to read results in code that is difficult to write, debug, enhance, and reuse. Design by Bruce A Rafnel, Hewlett-Packard Co

A very simple, real single-chip, zero components solution for programming a LMX2320 PLL IC with a cheap AT90S1200 -  This may be very helpful for anyone that needs to program a PLL IC.  For the moment only the software is published here, but there is not a lot more to it anyhow.  How to connect the PLLs 3wirebus to the processor can be easily seen in the code. __ Designed by Herbert Dingfelder

A Windows Based EPROM Programmer-  This new design can read the and program virtually all commonly-used EPROMs and OTPs.__ SiliconChip

A Windows-Based EPROM Programmer-Part 2-  Second article gives the full assembly details & describes how to check the programmer's basic hardware operation.__ SiliconChip

Access odd memory locations without hardware-  05/27/99 EDN Design Ideas:  Some risc controllers, like the NEC V850 family, use an internal 32-bit architecture with an external 16-bit bus.  The architecture also allows interfaces with 8-bit memories.  However PDF has several circuits, please scroll to find this one. Design by Sorin Zarnescu, NEC Electronics, Santa Clara, CA

ActiveX control brings bit manipulation to Windows-  05/25/00 EDN Design Ideas:  Nothing compares with the C language for working with bits.  C provide as a rich set of signed and unsigned number formats, along with many intrinsic bit-manipulation operators.  However, most of the popular rapid-application-development Windows languages Design by Steve Hageman, Agilent Technologies, Santa Rosa, CA

ADC for Programmable Logic Uses One Capacitor-  12-Nov-09 EDN Design Ideas:  Use a capacitor's charging and discharging time to sense a user input Design by Jef Thoné and Robert Puers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

Add Programmability to Sensor Amplifier-  03/21/02  EDN Design Ideas:  The pressure-sensor amplifier circuit of Figure 1 offers a number of advantages over the traditional approach using the classic three-op-amp instrumentation amplifier.  The circuit can operate from a single supply and uses only two Design by Chuck Wojslaw, Catalyst Semiconductor, Sunnyvale, CA

Assembly code reads IDE drive parameters-  05/09/96 EDN Design Ideas:  Many older disk drives and most current models that interface with the ATA or IDE standard have readable configuration tables.  These tables contain the manufacturer's identification data and data-organization parameters that you may need to configure your PC to properly access the drive.  The ability to directly read this table eliminates Design by John Foster, Advanced Control Systems, Norcross, GA

Atmel 89C2051 In-Circuit Programmer Schematic-  This is a "beta release" schematic.  Use at your own risk The idea is to add this circuitry to a board with already has ram at 2000 and an 82C55 I/O chip to provide ports A, B and C. __ Designed by Paul Stoffregen

Atmel in-system Programmer-  I found the schematic of this programmer in my "AVR software and technical Library - April 2003" CD-ROM and decide to publish it.  The reason was, that this programmer is very stable and works perfect with AVR Studio 4. I had tested it before published it, with AT90s2313 and its worked fine!!!
To work this programmer you must to connect a crystal  4MHz to slave device at the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins, or if you have an device with internal oscillator (AT90S2343, ATmega161 etc) and its enabled , it’s not need any external oscillator.__ © Vassilis Serasidis

Automatic Power-Off Saves Battery-  12/19/96 EDN Design Ideas:  The Basic training program in Listing 1  helps visually handicapped people easily learn Braille dot code with the help of a trainer.  The trainer generates six-pin Braille code using six solenoids operating on an LPT1/2 either by directly connecting the low-power solenoids to the data bits of the parallel port or by driving solenoid pins (pull-out type] using an UN2003 power driver (Figure 1).  Push-in type solenoids require complemented (0 for 1 and 1 for 0] Braille-code data bits or an extra inverter on the LPT1 port Design by Jose Carlos Cossio, Santander, Spain

Autoranging simplifies hardware & software-  07/22/99 EDN Design Ideas:  A natural approach to autoranging is to use an inverting op amp and switch in one of N feedback resistors at a time for a gain of A=-RF/RO (Figure 1).  However, the inverting configuration suffers from low input impedance of ZIN=RO because the negative input is at virtual ground. Design by Dana Romero, Phonex, Midvale, UT

Autoranging True RMS-to-DC Converter-  A programmable gain amplifier (LTC6910-2) and a window comparator (LTC6700-1) and some control logic creates a wide dynamic range RMS to DC converter.  The comparator monitors the DC output and signals whether to increment or decrement the gain to maintain a predetermined output voltage range.  Knowing the output DC voltage and the gain setting can determine the True RMS amplitude of the signal being monitored__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 16, 2010

AVR-PG1-Serial port (RS232) PONY PROG compatible AVR programmer-  AVR-PG1 - Serial port (RS232) PONY PROG compatible AVR programmer with STKxxx 10 pin ICSP connector. __ Designed by Radio LocMan

Basic program optimizes core selection in transformer Design-  EDN Design Ideas:  01/05/1995 A 503-line Basic program provide as numerical and graphical information to aid you in selecting optimum core and wire types in transformer designs.  Most transformer designers agree that copper loss should equal core loss.  Unfortunately, neither wire nor core material comes in continuous sizes.  In most cases, a precise solution does not exist for any particular transformer, and designs are usually the result of a judgment call.  An easy-to-use Basic program (found on EDN's BBS) can expedite the design procedure and allow you to exercise some discretion in selecting the core size. Design by Gerald W West, Powertech West

Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Clock-  The clock circuit above uses seven ICs and 19 LEDs to indicate binary coded decimal time.  The LEDs can be arranged (as shown in example above) so that each horizontal group of 3 or 4 LEDs represents a decimal digit between 0 and 9 and each individual LED represents a single bit or (binary digit) of the value.  Binary digits __ Designed by Bill Bowden

Bridge-temperature measurement allows software compensation-  08/17/00 EDN Design Ideas:  Bridge transducers are notoriously temperature-sensitive.  When the temperature changes, almost everything else varies with some parameters increasing and some decreasing.  The TCS (temperature coefficient of span) is generally nega Design by John Wynne, Analog Devices Inc, Limerick, Ireland

Build the Picman Programmable Robot-  A PIC microcontroller lets you program in the commands.__ SiliconChip

C Function Turns PC Into Serial-Bus Master-  09/02/96 EDN Design Ideas:  The UARTs built into most microcontrollers support a "9th-bit" communications mode.  If the master sets the 9th bit of a character it transmits, the slaves then interpret that character as a slave address, not as data.  The 9th-bit mode simplifies master-slave communications by using character protocols over multidrop serial lines, such as the RS-485.  A PC's UART family (for example, the 8251 or 16550) , however, Design by Gregory Young, Z-World Engineering, Davis, CA

C program calculates checksums-  02/15/01 EDN Design Ideas:  To ensure data integrity, it's wise to frequently calculate file checksums.  The C program in Listing 1 calculates the checksum of a file using a 16-bit CRC (cyclic redundancy check).  The program assumes an 8-bit byte size.  The routine reads the file Design by Ken Levine, Airshow Pacific Systems, Kirkland, WA

C Routine Counts High Bits-  01/01/98 EDN Design Ideas:  Simple C routine counts the number of 1s in a 16-bit word.  You can apply the general technique to a word of any length, but for purposes of explanation, assume a word length of 8 bits (Listing 1).  If you AND the original word with 01010101 binary, the 8-bit result consists of four 2-bit words.  Each of these 2-bit words contains the count of the number of 1s in the least significant bit of the original word's corresponding 2-bit field.  Now, shift the word right by 1 bit and again AND the word with 01010101 binary.  The resultant group of 2-bit words now contains the count of the number of 1s in the most significant bit of the corresponding 2-bit field in the original word. Design by Michael Bishop, Computing Devices, Nepean, ON, Canada

C Routine Detects Single High Bits-  07/04/96 EDN Design Ideas:  Sometimes, you need to be able to verify existence of just one high bit in a word.  This ability can be useful, for example, to verify where just one bit in a mask of mutually exclusive flags is set or if an incongruence exists i Design by Maurizio Denna, Eurotherm SpA, Guanzate, Italy

C routine speeds Decimal-to-binary conversion-  11/24/99 EDN Design Ideas:  A previous Design Idea ("Program provide as integer-to-binary conversion," EDN, March 2, 1998, pg 110) describes a C/C++ function that provide as integer-to-binary conversion.  The function, named cintbin/classic, implements a conversion in a straightforward way Design by Giovanni Motta, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA

Circuit Measures Software-Execution Timer-  03/17/94 EDN Design Ideas:  Especially helpful for developing real-time application programs, the circuit in Fig 1 plugs into a PC printer port and measures the execution time of a piece of software.  The CD4536 is a 16/24-bit binary counter with a built-in oscillator.  This counter has an 8-bit prescaler, which the chip bypasses if the 8_BY pin is high.  When this is the case, the CD4536 is a 16-bit counter, and its A through D inputs select which bit is connected to output DO.  If the 8_BY pin is low, the CD4536 is a 24-bit counter and the inputs select Design by Yongping Xia, EBT Inc, Torrance, CA

Code Generator Completes OO Design Suit-  07/18/96  EDN Design Ideas:  The Code Genesis tool from SES Inc automates the translation step in object-oriented (OO) design, which allows software developers to create robust code by starting with a system model.  After simulating the model to ensure that the system behaves as required, developers can use Code Genesis to translate the working model to C++. Design {by Richard A Quinnell - SES Inc, Austin, TX

ComMail-  PC windows program download, Micro controller Arduino whatever, Comport Serial text to EMAIL, URL deliver data, ThingSpeak __ Designed by Thomas Scherrer OZ2CPU

Comparator has programmable limits-  EDN Design Ideas:  July 8, 1998  This circuit combines a dual buffered D/A converter and dual four-input comparator to configure a comparator circuit with a digitally programmable window center and width. Design by Michele Frantisek, Brno, Czech Republic

Connect a Modem to a Basic Stamp-  09/16/99 EDN Design Ideas:  The 2400-bps modem in Figure 1 makes it easy to connect a Basic Stamp (Parallax Inc, www.parallaxinc.com) to a telephone modem.  Using this circuit, you can call home via your PC and find out if the house is still there.  The Basic Stamp2, BS2-IC, has the necessary programming space, and a 64-kbyte StampMEM memory-storage board enhances site data collection. Design by Ken Gracey

Digitally programmable resistor serves as test load-  03/03/05  EDN Design Ideas:  Figure 1 illustrates a digitally programmable precision resistance that can serve as a microprocessor-driven power-supply load in custom-designed ATE (automatic-test equipment].  An 8-bit current-output DAC, IC1, a DAC08, drives curre Design by Francesc Casanellas, Aiguafreda, Spain

Embedded Memory Enhances Programmable Logic for Complex Designs-  11/07/96 EDN-Design Feature The growing densities of PLDs are making the chips suitable for increasingly complex designs.  Those designs require high-performance scratchpad RAM for temporary storage of data that passes through the logic circuitry that th Design by Rick Nelson, Contributing Editor

Extend Monolithic Programmable-Resistor-Adjustment Range with Active Negative Resistance-  09/04/08  EDN Design Ideas:  An op amp in a negative-resistance topology subtracts the minimum programmable resistance from the total programmed resistance of a solid-state resistor Design by W Stephen Woodward, Chapel Hill, NC

For Increased Productivity, New Design Languages Are Essential to Success-  08/27/01 EDN Design Ideas:  Like a favorite sports team, to some people design languages garner an emotional following.  And in the competition over which language will win industry support, one of the most visible of contests was between VHDL and Verilog.  The languages are now united through the standards organization Accellera, but in other arenas, the one-upsmanship continues.  Debate rages over which language is superior for next-generation design: Verilog or VHDL, C/C++ or the Open SystemC Initiative, SpecC or Cynlib. Design by Dennis Brophy

Generator features programmable duty cycle-  10/26/00 EDN Design Ideas:  The simple pulse generator in Fig 1 allows you to program its output's duty cycle.  You apply your duty-cycle code to the B port of IC1, a 7485 magnitude comparator.  The clock increments the 74193 4-bit counter, IC2.  When the output of the counter is equal to or greater than your duty-cycle code, IC3 resets the output flip-flop, IC4, until the counter, IC2, overflows.  Thus, your input code determines the output's duty cycle. Design by Shwang-Shi Bai, Chung Shan Institute of Technology, Lung-Tan, TaiwanEDN Design Idea

Programmable Device Codes:  #'s - H          I - R          S - Z

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