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Sensors / Detectors: Automotive Circuits
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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Make your own LED Headlamp -  I have submitted here my process for constructing an LED headlamp.  I originally attempted to fit the battery holders for 3 AAA cells along with a tiny PC board for the three LEDs and current limiting resistor all in a tiny altoids tin.  No go.  I ended up buying a 3 cell holder with switch from Mouser electronics, gluing an elbow/ball joint pivot from a desktop pen set I had pieces from to that battery holder, then bolting the pivot to a Walgreens tiny mint tin (the sugar free ones come in a small oval shaped tin).  The LEDs  __ Designed by John Evans

Mark 1/1A -  This circuit is used to relay signals from an infra Red remote control in one room to an IR controlled appliance in another room.   __ Designed by Andy Collison

Monitor & Protect Automotive Systems with Integrated Current Sensing -  DN374 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Monolithic Step-Down Regulator Withstands the Rigors of Automotive Environments & Consumes Only 100µA of Quiescent Current -  DN378 Design Notes __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Motorbike Battery Charger -  ideal to enhance any scalectrix race track __ Contact P. Townshend - EduTek Ltd

Motorcycle Alarm -  Any number of normally open switches may be used.  Fit the mercury switches so that they close when the steering is moved or when the bike is lifted off its side-stand or pushed forward off its centre-stand.  Use micro-switches to protect removable panels and the lids of panniers etc.  While at least one switch remains closed, the siren will sound.  About two minutes after the switches have been opened again, the alarm will reset.   __ Designed by Ron J

Motorcycle Alarm #3 -  This circuit features an intermittent siren output and automatic reset.  it can be operated manually using a key-switch or a hidden switch; but it can also be wired to set itself automatically when you turn-off the ignition.  By adding external relays you can immobilize the bike, flash the lights etc.   __ Designed by Andy Collison

Motorcycle Alarm #4 -  This is a simple easy to build transistor based motorcycle alarm.  it's designed to work at 12-volts.  But if you change the relay for one with a 6-volt coil it'll protect your "Classic Bike".  The standby current is virtually zero so it won't drain your battery.   __ Designed by Andy Collison

Motorcycle Alarm #7 -  Motorcycle Alarm Circuits:  This is a simple transistor alarm - with a siren cut-off timer.  While the thief continues to move the bike - and the normally-open trigger switch continues to open and close - the siren will continue to sound.  Shortly after the bike stops moving - the siren switches off - and the alarm resets.  __ Designed by Ron J.

Motorcycle Alarm #8 -  Motorcycle Alarm Circuits:  This transistor alarm has a siren cut-off timer - and an LED activation indicator.  Shortly after the thief abandons the bike - the siren will switch off and the alarm will reset.  if the LED is lighting when you return - you'll know there's been an activation while you were away.  __ Designed by Ron J.

Motorcycle Alarms #5 & #6 -  These are two easy to build relay-based alarms.  You can use them to protect your motorcycle but they have many more applications.  if you use relays with 6-volt coils they'll protect your "Classic Bike".  Both alarms are very small.  The completed boards occupy about half a cubic-inch 8 cc.  The standby current is zero so they won't drain your battery.  Circuit designed by Ron J.   __ Designed by Andy Collison

Motorcycle Battery Charger -  This 3A charger was originally designed to work with small batteries like those used in motorcycles.  in principle it can be used to charge car batteries also but will take a lot longer.  The charger below charges a battery with a constant current to 14.1 volt.  When this level is reached, the current charge drops automatically to a safer level (13.6V) and keeps charging __ Designed by Jan Hamer, The Netherlands

Motorcycle Brake Light Flasher -  Several years ago one car manufacturer added a rapid flasher to their brake lights.  Wow!  Those things really got your attention when the driver stepped on the brakes.  But, if you ever had to stop behind one at a traffic light at night, you were likely to go into seizures from the strobing, rear lights covering your field of vision.  I think they dumped the idea __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Motorcycle Computer Board with Nokia 6280 LCD -  in this project you will see how to use Nokia 6280 Lcd, connected with microcontroller PIC 18F4550. __ Designed by © Ivica Novakovic

Motorcycle Low Voltage Warning -  This circuit is connected to your motorcycle.  it's tapped into a circuit thats only powered with the key "ON".  if you turn the bike off with the kill-switch and leave the key on, as you know, the headlight will stay on and quickly drain the battery.   __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Motorcycle Turn-signal System -  This circuit is based on the CMOS IC from Motorola, the MC14049UB Hex inverting Buffer.  Of course, the regular CD4049 can be used and is pin-for-pin compatible.  The 4049 is a 16-pin chip.  Maximum DC supply voltage should not exceed 18V.  The above diagram can replace your existing mechanical clicker.  The prototype worked excellently!  __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Motorcycle Universal Gear Indicator -  This is a new design for a universal gear indicator that can be fitted to any motorcycle as an aftermarket accessory.  its main advantage is that its operation depends entirely on the gear shift lever movement,  __ Designed by Vassilis Papanikolaou

Motorcyle Alarm #2 -  This circuit features an intermittent siren output and automatic reset.  it can be operated manually using a key-switch or a hidden switch; but it can also be wired to set itself automatically when you turn-off the ignition.  By adding external relays you can immobilize the bike, flash the lights etc.  Ron has used my Asymmetric Timer as the basis for his design __ Designed by Ron J.

MTX250 Car Amplifier: Autoformer Switch-Mode Power Supply -  This is a small 2*25 (actually, 2*50) WPC amplifier with 3-order crossover stage (configurable as LP or HP).  Of particular interest is the unconventional autoformer PS arrangement.  Since the power FET's drains are not tied to ground anymore, it needs another transformer to drive gates __ Contact klausmobile @ yahoo.Com

Multiplexes Automotive Sensors -  01/20/00 EDN Design Ideas:  Often, aµC limits the number of input-capture lines to accommodate the various types of automotive sensors with pulsed outputs, such as vehicle- and engine-speed sensors.  The circuit in Figure 1 uses discrete components to multiplex two sensors with open-collector outputs into a single output, thereby sharing one input-capture line of the µC.  The µC selects the sensor whose output you will measure.    Design by Adil Ansari

NESblinky-Nintendo Controller Bike Flasher -  I saw the "Light Up Your Ride" contest, and I pondered about what could be re-purposed to increase the visibility of my bike, all while hopefully blinding a motorist or two into a fit of retro rage.  I happened upon an old broken Nintendo controller, which made me think of all the superfluous NES controller mods I had seen before.  This sparked a  __ Designed by © Randy Linscott

Network Car Controller -  PIC  Project  Our present car controller runs on a single PIC 16F870 micro and provides functions for remote door locks, headlight reminder, and car finder.  it is constructed using wire-wrap to allow for future expansion and is mounted using Velcro on the passenger side of the center console __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

Nite Rider Lights -  The circuit is drawn with PCB 123 which you can download for free from http://www.pcb123.com    As a keen cyclist I am always looking for ways to be seen at night.  I wanted something that was a novelty and would catch the motorists eye.  So looking around at my fellow cyclists rear lights __ Designed by Paul Hill

No Hassel 3rd Brake Light -  This circuit is NOT a pulser or flasher!  What's so special about this circuit? Well, the first third-brake light I installed I had to pull a wire from the Third Brake Light all the way underneath the carpet to the brake-pedal-switch and I thought it would be easier to pluck the signal of both brakelights via the trunk.  Bench-test your circuit first and apply power to the circuit,  __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Oxygen Sensors -  When they go bad your automobile runs poorly, learn about them and build a substitute for diagnostics or off-road use.   __ Designed by Boblick

Park Aid -  Three LEDs signal bumper-barrier distance; infra-red operation, indoor use __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Park-Aid Modification -  Three-step beeps signal bumper-barrier distance; infra-red operation, indoor use __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Parked-Vehicle Highway Flasher -  Often, at night, a speeding vehicle rams into another vehicle parked at the edge of a highway.  Cars have parking flashers, but trucks, buses and loading rickshaws rarely have any form...__ Electronics Projects for You

Parking aid senses distance to rear of vehicle -  The circuit is drawn with PCB 123 which you can download for free from http://www.pcb123.com    As a keen cyclist I am always looking for ways to be seen at night.  I wanted something that was a novelty and would catch the motorists eye.  So looking around at my fellow cyclists rear lights, I came up with the idea of ‘NiTE-RiDER’.  NiNE extra bright LED’s running from left to right and right to left continuously.  it could be constructed with red LEDs for use on the rear of the bike or white LED’s for an extra eye catcher on the front of the bike. __ Designed by Paul Hill

Parking Lamp control -  When you encounter to a traffic jam, the car may not go on for long time in idling condition.  Although it depends on the car if you turn on the lighting devices in idling condition at night the electricity of the battery is having got gone.  it is because there are many consumption currents of lighting devices etc.  more the power generation volume of the dynamo.   __ Designed by Seiichi Inoue

Portable CD Player Adapter for Car -  Whenever i'm in the car listening to my favourite CD, it always happens-my batteries go dead.  To solve that problem, I built this extremely simple regulator circuit.  it steps down the 12V from the lighter socket to 9V which is used by the CD player __ Designed by Aaron Cake

Power Flasher (PAGE 113) -  Suitable for alerting purposes.  Drives 12V Car bulbs __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Power supply for a car tube Amplifier -  To minimize heat loss on any transistor, I use two pass FETs.  in the car, input voltage is either 11.5-12.5V (engine off) or 13.5-14.5V (engine on).  in the first case, T1 and T2 are fully ON, no need for heatsink.  in the second case - T1 is OFF, T2 ON, all voltage and power excess is released across R5, no heatsink necessary for FETs.  However, when input is in between (1314V) - T1, in a linear regulator mode, may dissipate up to 3W (for a 3A load current).   __ Contact Klausmobile Tube Tester Files

Power Supply Meets Automotive-Transient-Voltage Specs -  18-Sep-08 EDN Design Ideas:  An automotive power supply meets the transient-voltage specs of iSO 7637-1 Design by Francesc Casanellas, Aiguafreda, Spain

Programmable Ignition System for Car's PT.2 -  There are six versions to build; you choose the one suit your car's ignition pick-up system.  Here's how to build the various modules.__ SiliconChip

Programmable Ignition System for Cars; Pt.1 -  Want to program the ignition timing on your car? Now you can, with this completely new design.  it can be used in older cars which presently do not have electronic ignition or used as an "interceptor" for cars with engine management systems.__ SiliconChip

Programmable Ignition System for Cars; Pt.3 -  As mentioned in Pt.1, the Programmable ignition System can either be used as a complete ignition system or as an interceptor.__ SiliconChip

Pseudo car Alarm system -  I owned a S10 Chev pick-up which was parked in the underground of my building.  it was broken into.  They broke some windows and tried to steal the stereo.  it was a mess.  Later the vehicle was stolen.  When the cops found it the ignition key system was damaged and it had been stripped clean of everything that hadn't been bolted down.   __ Designed by Laurier Gendron, Coquitlam , B.C., Canada

Pulsing Third Brake Light -  The schematic consists of two 555 timer/oscillators in a dual timer configuration both setup in astable mode.  When power is applied via the brake pedal, the brake light driver Q1 is switched on via the low-output pin 3 of IC 2, and timer IC 1 begins its timing cycle.  With the output on pin 3 going high, inhibiting IC 2's pin 2 (trigger) via D2, charge current begins to move through R3, R4 and C2. __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Pulsing third Brake lite for cars -  Several years ago these flashers were introduced in the automotive industry as part of the third brake light and contained strobe lights (and strobing continuously for the duration of pressing the break pedal) but got abandoned almost immediately sometime later because of the 'strobe' effect it has on some people.  This circuit has become obsolet since much better circuits are available these days without the 'lag' in between brakes caused by R4 and C3.  One of the circuits is listed below __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

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