High-side current Monitor operates at High-Voltage - 07/22/04 EDN Design Ideas: The simplest technique for measuring current in an actuator or a motor is to monitor the ground current with a resistive element between the load and the ground. Because the device and its associated electronics share a ground potential, you need to amplify only the ground-current signal. This approach, however, does not detect device short circuits to ground, which can overload the high-side d Design by Greg Sutterlin and Brian Whitaker, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA
High-Side Current Sense Causes Little Error - 03/16/95 EDN Design Ideas: Measuring dc would be simple if you could always reference your measurement signals to the positive rail. Unfortunately, most current-metering applications require a ground-referenced output. Typically, the signal that you want to measure consists of a small differential signal that rideas on a large common-mode voltage Design by Charles L Langner, Broadcast Electronics Inc, Quincy, IL
High-Side Current Sensor Monitors Negative Rail - 17-Apr-03 EDN Design Ideas: All dedicated current-sense amplifiers provide high-side sensing on a positive supply, but you can adapt such circuits for monitoring a negative supply (Figure 1). The positive-supply pin, V+, connects to the system's positive supply, and the ground pin, GND, connects to the negative supply, VEE. That arrangement monitors the negative supply and provide as a positive output voltage for the extern Design Ken Yang, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA
High-side current-sensing switched-mode regulator provides constant-current LED drive - 04/14/05 EDN Design Ideas: Many suitable circuits exist for driving LEDs in constant-current mode and from low-voltage sources. For example, references 1, 2, and 3 show circuits that use switched-mode-regulator ICs and low-voltage sources to supply LED current. Design by Bradley Albing, Philips Medical Systems Inc, Cleveland, OH
High-side current-sensor has period output - 03/07/02 EDN Design Ideas: You use high-side current monitoring in many battery-powered products that require accurate monitoring of load current, charger current, or both. in applications for nonportable designs, high-side-current monitoring serves as a power-supply watchdog that can flag a failure in downstream devices Design by Greg Sutterlin, Maxim Integrated Products, Wexford, PA
High-Side Current-Shunt Monitor Offers Reduced Error - 12/15/10 EDN Design Ideas: A Darlington pair, with lower base current, reduces measurement errors. [Design ideas by Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia Design by Marián Štofka, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia
High-Side Transimpedance Amplifier & APD Monitor - Current through a photodiode with a large reverse bias potential is converted to a ground referenced output voltage directly through an LTC6101. The supply rail can be as high as 70V. Gain of the I to V conversion, the trans- impedance, is set by the selection of resistor RL. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 30th 2010
High-voltage current-feedback Amplifier is speedy - 04/26/01 EDN Design Ideas: The circuit in Figure 1 powers a microparticle and nanoparticle ion trap through a 1-to-5-turns-ratio, high-voltage transformer. it also works successfully as a driver for a piezo-tube scanner and in a near-field scanning optical microscope. The circuit is robust and works with supplies ranging from ±50 to ±230V Design by Joseph Ting, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences of the Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Improved current Monitor Delivers proportional-voltage output - 01/19/06 EDN Design Ideas: New, improved circuit delivers an accurate linear-voltage output proportional to current in primary winding Design by Susanne Nell, Breitenfurt, Austria
Improved Kelvin contacts boost current-sensing accuracy by an order of magnitude - 02/17/05 EDN Design Ideas: Many power-supply designs rely on accurately sensing the voltage across a current-sense element. Multiphase regulators use the sense voltage to force current sharing among phases, and single-phase regulators to control the current-limit setpoint. As internal complexity and clock speeds increase, processors impose narrower operating margins for power-supply voltages and currents, which in turn m Design by Craig Varga, National Semiconductor Corp, Phoenix, AZ
Indicator for Bad Light Bulb - This request came from a Discover Circuits visitor. He wanted to turn on a LED indicator light whenever a circuit detected a burned out tail/brake light on a car or truck. The circuit shown below uses a transistor switch, to detect current flowing through a low value resistor . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-December, 2006
Industrial Sensor 4mA to 20mA Current Loop Power Tap - The LTC3105 is a high efficiency step-up DC/DC converter that can operate from input voltages as low as 225mV. A 250mV start-up capability and integrated maximum power point controller (MPPC) enable operation directly from low voltage, high impedance alternative power sources such as photovoltaic cells, TEGs (thermoelectric __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 16th 2011
Integrating Watt-Hour Meter - The LT2940 measures a high side current and a differential voltage, multiplies them and outputs a current proportional to instantaneous power. Bidirectional high side currents and bipolar voltage differences are correctly handled by the four-quadrant multiplier and push-pull output stage, which allows the LT2940 to indicate__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 26th 2010
Integrator forms picoammeter - 07/17/97 EDN Design Ideas: The analog circuitry necessary to precisely resolve picoamperes can challenge even the best designer. At these minute current levels, noisy and nonreproducible circuit topologies are common. A current-to-voltage (i/V) converter that uses an op amp and large feedback resistor is the obvious first design choice to acquire a small current. However, the component errors that this method induces can swamp the measurable current (and can amount to throwing out the baby with the bath water). Design by Clayton B Grantham, Burr-Brown Corp, Tucson, AZ
Isolated 4-20mA Current Loop - This circuit is a computer-controlled 4 – 20mA current loop. it is designed to operate on a single supply over a range of 3.3 V to 30V. The circuit’s zero output reference signal, 4mA, is set by R1 and calibrated using R2, and its full-scale output current is set by R3 and calibrated using R4. The zero and full-scale output __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 16th 2011
Isolated current sensing with ∑-∆ optoisolators - EDN Design Ideas: 06/12/2014 Sigma-delta optocouplers make for accurate isolated sensing, and can trade off speed for ENOB. Design by Avago Tech Note |