7-segment Display Water-Level Indicator - This water-level indicator uses a 7-segment display, instead of LEDs, to indicate the water level (low, half and full) in the tank. Moreover, a buzzer is used to alert you of...__ Electronics Projects for You
Alarm sounds when Water is Detected - This simple circuit sounds a beeper when its electrodes detect water. it is powered by a single 1.5v N cell. A small 1.5v button battery will also work. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-June, 2000
Aqua Alarm - Here is another interesting hobby circuit built around the popular and inexpensive 555 IC . it is nothing but a water sensor, which you can be configured as a rain alarm, water tank overflow alarm, aquarium water leak indicator, etc. it can be powered from any 6VDC supply. initially, when DC supply is fed to the circuit the Red __ Designed by T.K. Hareendran
Automated Plants Watering System - During summers, most people are too lazy to water the potted plants on their rooftop gardens every day. Explained in this section is a simple and exciting plant watering system that...__ Electronics Projects for You
Automatic Plant Irrigation System - Here is a simple project more useful in watering plants automatically without any human interference. We may call it as Automatic plant irrigation system. We know that people do not pour the water on to the plants in their gardens when they go to vacation or often forget to water plants. As a result, there is a chance to get the plants damaged. This project is an excellent solution for such kind of problems.__
Automatic Rain Gauge with Digital Readout - it collects, measures, records and empties. Best of all, you don't have to leave the house.__ SiliconChip
Bedwetting Alarm - Bedwetting is one of the most common childhood problems that can have a significant impact on a child’s health if left unattended. During the night, the parents would not know if...__ Electronics Projects for You
Bedwetting alarm - A simple two tone water alarm that is light enough to be worn on the upper arm of a sleeper is described. it uses two LMC555 CMOS
timer chips followed by a complimentary pair of emitter followers to drive an 8 ohm speaker. Power is supplied by a 9 volt transistor radio battery. An modification to produce a siren rather than two tone operation is discussed __ Designed by Dick Cappels
Build a Multi-Sector Sprinkler Controller - At last: a multI sector sprinkler controller that's easy to program.__ SiliconChip
Build a Water Level Indicator - Low-cost circuit lights a LED bargraph to indicate the level in a rainwater tank.__ SiliconChip
Check Consistency of Binary Addresses - 09/28/95 EDN Design Ideas: The validation circuit in Fig 1 allows you to check the consistency of successively recurring 3-bit address codes. The circuit simultaneously applies the address code to the A port of IC 2, a 7485 magnitude comparator, and to IC 3, a 1-of-8 decoder. When IC 2's B port reads the same address latched on the output of D flip-flop, Design by Arthur Edang, Don Bosco Technical College, Mandaluyong, Philippines
Check Swamp-Cooler Water Level - 10/31/02 EDN Design Ideas: A "swamp cooler" is an easy way to obtain effective air conditioning, especially in hot and dry climates, if a water source is readily available. Although most units are very reliable, the storage-reservoir control usually uses a single level-detector component. Failure of this component can lead to serious water damage Design by Daniel Krones, Precision Design Services, Sky Forest, CA
Christmas Tree Moisture Monitor - Originally intended to monitor the moisture in a potted plant, this moisture monitor really shines as a Christmas tree stand water level monitor! A fresh Christmas tree drinks water an annoying rate and bending down under the __ Contact: Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.
Circuit Checks Consistency Of Binary Addresses - 09/28/95 EDN Design Ideas: The validation circuit in Fig 1 allows you to check the consistency of successively recurring 3-bit address codes. The circuit simultaneously applies the address code to the A port of IC 2, a 7485 magnitude comparator, and to IC 3, a 1-of-8 decoder. When IC 2's B port reads the same address latched on the output of D flip-flop, Design by Arthur Edang, Don Bosco Technical College, Mandaluyong, Philippines
Circuit Checks Swamp-Cooler Water Level - 10/31/02 EDN Design Ideas: A "swamp cooler" is an easy way to obtain effective air conditioning, especially in hot and dry climates, if a water source is readily available. Although most units are very reliable, the storage-reservoir control usually uses a single level-detector component. Failure of this component can lead to serious water damage Design by Daniel Krones, Precision Design Services, Sky Forest, CA
Cistern Overflow Alert System - The system presented here will electronically monitor cistern (tank that holds water to flush the toilet) overflows that can otherwise cause seepage in the flats below in a multi-storied building. in...__ Electronics Projects for You
-NAND Gates Control Sump Pump - 05/14/09 EDN Design Ideas: A similar circuit lets you control both the sump pump and the water level Design by V Gopalakrishnan, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India
Digital Soil Moisture Meter - A soil moisture meter is used for indicating the water content of a given soil sample. As crop production requires water at different stages and in different amounts, it is important...__ Electronics Projects for You
Digital Soil Moisture Tester - Here is a simple and compact digital soil moisture tester to check whether the soil is dry or wet. it can also be used to check the dryness or wetness of...__ Electronics Projects for You
Doggie Water Dispenser Alarm - I have two Beagle dogs. They drink a lot of water; they go through about 3 gallons a week. They have two water dispensers. One is on the inside and second unit on the outside of my house. Often, I forget to fill one of their two jugs and discover them completely empty. I do worry that my dogs might get dehydrated if I ever forget to fill both of their containers. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-June, 2012
Economical Pump Controller - Having a reliable system to pump out a sump pit is essential as mistakes and failures can lead to serious flooding and enormous expense. in our article Sump Pump Control System we introduced a selection of electronic solutions to the following problems __ Designed by REUK-Renewable Energy UK website
Electrodeless Water Level Monitor - This is an illustration how a laser could be used to count traffic and measure the speed of each car passing through the sensor area. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2006
Electronic Water Alarm - Aburst water-supply hose of the washing machine, a bathroom tap that you forgot to close, or a broken aquarium wall may turn your house into a pond. You can avoid this...__ Electronics Projects for You
Float Switch Water Level Measurement - Find out how to use float switches in renewable energy applications. __ Designed by REUK-Renewable Energy UK website
Fuel Reserve Indicator for Vehicles - Here is a simple circuit for monitoring the fuel level in vehicles. it gives an audiovisual indication when the fuel level drops alarmingly below the reserve level, helping you to avoid...__ Electronics Projects for You
Homemade Water Drain Pump controller - A hole needs to be dug at the lowest place in the cellar that have water incoming problems. The hole is about 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 meter, at the bottom a large water pump is mounted. Then the different water levels was measured, so we know how to make the sensors. __ Designed by Thomas Scherrer OZ2CPU
Hot Water Tank Level Indicator - The idea for this project may have come to me in a flash of inspiration, and its a very simple way to check if a fuse has blown without removing it from its holder __ Designed by Andy Collison
Inexpensive Remote Watering System - This remotely controlled watering system is both inexpensive and easy to expand. it is designed to operate in conjunction with a conventional watering timer and allows remote switching between nine zones. The prototype is used in a bore system, where a deep-well pump must be started and kept running while zones are being changed. This is necessary to minimise cycling and results in maximum pump life. A standard portable telephone is used as the transmitter and receiver__ Learning Electronics
Infrared beam barrier / proximity Detector - This circuit can be used as an infrared beam barrier as well as a proximity detector. The circuit uses the very popular Sharp IR module (Vishay module can also be used). The pin nos. shown in the circuit are for the Sharp & Vishay modules. For other modules please refer to their respective datasheets. The receiver consists of a 555 timer IC working as an oscillator at __ Contact http://www.tronicszone.com
Infra-red Level Detector - Useful for liquids level detection and proximity devices; Up to 50 cm. range, optional relay operation __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it
Liquid Level Tach Transmitter - Schematic __ Designed by Jon Fick
Liquid Level Alarm - Here is a simple circuit for liquid level alarm. it is built around two BC547 transistors (T1 and T2) and two timer 555 ICs (IC 1 and IC 2). Both IC 1 and IC 2...__ Electronics Projects for You
Liquid Level Receiver - Schematic __ Designed by Jon Fick
Liquid Level Transmitter/Receiver System - designed for marine applications using raytheon's seatalk®bus. includes tachometer transmitter example although the receiver is only for liquid level (16f628) __ Designed by Jon Fick
Locate a Plastic Pipe - I used this circuit once to track down the location of a plastic pipe, buried underground. it transmits a weak RF signal, which can be picked up by a portable AM radio from about 6 feet away . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-December, 2004
Moisture Monitor for Plants - Over-watering and under-watering both are harmful for plants. Roots need air as well as water. if the soil is constantly saturated, air cannot reach the roots and they suffocate. Also, excess...__ Electronics Projects for You
Monitor Water Seepage - A while back I received a request from a company who needed a water seepage detector. They wanted a device that ran on 24vac and detected water using a fully isolated circuit. They wanted a circuit which switched off 24vac to a load when water was detected . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-January, 2011