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Synthesizer Circuits

Synthesizers:  #'s - F      G - R      S - Z

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 03:00 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

Click Sound Generator -  Often in computer controlled systems, you would like to generate a “click” sound whenever a button is pressed.  This provides the user with audible feedback that the pushbutton press has been acknowledged.  The two circuits below generate such a sound.  A click sound is generated each time the logic input swings from a logic low to high condition. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-January, 2009

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

µC generates musical sounds -  EDN-Design ideas – April 15, 1999    [  NOTE:    FILE
has multiple design, scroll for this one.]  Many modern devices send audible signals to their operators to indicate some of the predetermined conditions or states of the system under control.  To avoid annoying human sensibilities, these sounds should match the musical scale.  Several chips on the market provide such sound capabilities; for example, a programmable sound generator or an iSD1016 voice messager.  The circuit in Figure 1 does not use a dedicated sound generator but rather generates sounds using software routines.  The circuit uses an inexpensive MC68H705J1A µC and saves additional expense by eliminating the need for a sound chip.  in Figure 2a, a note represents the pitch of each musical tone; Figure 2b shows the duration of the tone Design by Abel Raynus, Armatron International, Melrose, MA

255-Voice PCM Sound Generator. Part 1. Schematic -  This is a simple sound generator based on 8-pin SD Audio Player.  it is built with an Atmel ATtiny861 microcontroller from Atmel and an SD memory card.  The tiny861 has fast PWM outpus like tiny85 so that it can generate clear sound compared to any__ 

255-Voice PCM Sound Generator. Part 2. Software -  Part 1.  Schematic Supported Sound Formats and Control Commands Supported sound file format is RiFF/WAVE in LPCM, 8/16bit, mono/stereo and 8kHz-48kHz.  Any other sound files, such as ADPCM, MP3 and AAC, must be converted into the PCM.  The sound files__ 

2m-20m Transverter -  This little circuit is a transmitting and receiving converter (transverter) that converts a FT290 or similar multimode handheld transciever to the 14MHz amateur band.  The project is a single board module that needs an external local oscillator, for example, the VHF harmonic oscillator (or QRP VHF FM TX) LO for transverter project.  it should be a relatively simple matter of scaling coils __ Designed by Harry Lythall-SM0VPO

3-state sound generator -  3-state sound generator with LM556 (dual LM555) __ 

Add speech encoding/decoding to your Design -  02/04/99 EDN Design Ideas:  (Scroll to find this one) Adding speech capabilities to a design can sometimes lead to complex algorithms and expensive DSPs or specialized audio chips.  However, with  completion of a simplified adaptive differential pulse-code-modulation (ADPCM]algorithm, you can now implement se audio capabilities in low-cost 8-bit µCs, which typically.       - Page
includes several designs.   Design by Rodger Richey, Microchip Technology Inc, Chandler, AZ

Ambulance Siren -  This siren circuit simulates police, fire or other emergency sirens that produce an up and down wail.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Automatic School Bell -  Consider that a school has a total of eight periods with a lunch break after the fourth period.  Each period is 45 minutes long, while the duration of the lunch break...__ Electronics Projects for You

Basics-Sunthesizer -  A Phase Locked Loop (PLL) consists of a Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) , the output frequency of which is monitored and controlled.  An error voltage steers the VCO and brings it back onto the correct frequency.  The error voltage is generated by a Phase Sensitive Detector (PSD) which compares the VCO frequency with a reference frequency.   __ Designed by Harry Lythall-SM0VPO

Bhajan & Mantra Chanting Amplifier -  People in india like to chant various mantras as they believe it brings good luck, peace of mind and helps in concentration.  Here we present the circuit of an electronic chanting device...__ Electronics Projects for You

Big Ben Sound -  This circuit produces  famous Big Ben sound.  it produces  "ding dong" sound when switched ON.  Basically  circuit alternates between two frequencies which are adjustable.  This produces  "ding-dong" sound.  The first C (left) oscillates at about 1Hz.  The second IC 's tone is modulated by  changing voltage at  output of  first IC  __ Designed by Radioland.nt.au

Birdie Doorbell Ringer -  P1 is of experimental value.  Start with 220 Ohms or so and modify to suit your needs.  The transistor is a general purpose kind and is not critical, almost any PNP type will work.  L1 is a bell-transformer which is usually already present in the house.  if you wish, you could use a battery instead of the bell transformer.  Just hookup a 9-volt battery (or wall adapter) to points 'A' and 'B' (A=+) the diode (D1) is to protect the circuit from accidental polarity reversal and is optional, but required as a rectifier for use with the bell transformer __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Call Sign Annunciator -  in the USA, R/C wireless video hobbyists are required to operate their video transmitters under the FCC Part 97 regulations (amateur radio).  The only exceptions are the Part 15 approved systems, but these low power alternatives are rarely used.  Other countries have similar requirements.  Playing by the rules will certainly prevent conflicts with government officials, since they can levy substantial penalties to offenders.  But more importantly, following the rules is the basis of good amateur radio manners.   __ Designed by RC-CAM T. Black

Canary Sound Effect -  An electronic version of a chirping canary.  May be used as an alarm, a sound effects generator or perhaps a replacement doorbell __ Designed by Andy Collison

Car Back-up Alarm -  The brake lights of  automobile trigger this circuit on and off.   This save  annoyance of  alarm when it is not needed.   This is an older circuit which was published in Popular Electronics Magazine, but still a good circuit today.   __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Circuit Vocalizes Telephone Number -  02/03/94 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Fig 1 is a simple method of vocalizing the digit number of a telephone keypad, which, for someone visually impaired, provide as heLPFul voice confirmation.  A 75T202 dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF]receiver decodes the DTMF signal when you depress the phone's keypad.  The TC8801N voice synthesizer Design by Shwang-Shi Bai,  Chun-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Lung-Tan, Taiwan

Click Sound Generator -  Often in computer controlled systems, you would like to generate a “click” sound whenever a button is pressed.  This provides the user with audible feedback that the pushbutton press has been acknowledged.  The two circuits below generate such a sound.  A click sound is generated each time the logic input swings from a logic low to high condition. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-January, 2009

Clock Tick-Tock Sound Generator & LED Pendulum -  Wooden-case, battery-operated wall clocks with pendulums are available in the market.  Some even have chimes.  What is missing is the tick-tock sound of old mechanical pendulum clocks.Fig.1 shows the circuit...__ Electronics Projects for You

Colour Organ -  Three Lamp-Channels Output - Built-in Electret Microphone __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Crazy Cricket or Freaky Frog -  Love the sound of crickets and frogs (and who doesn't) ? Maybe you will revise your judgement after exposure to Crazy or Freaky - the (very) pesky cricket and equally annoying grenouille.__ SiliconChip

Cuckoo-song Generator -  This circuit generates a two-tone effect very much alike the cuckoo song.  it can be used for door-bells or other purposes thanks to a built-in audio amplifier and loudspeaker
Used as a sound effect generator it can be connected to external amplifiers, tape recorders etc.  in this case, the built-in audio amplifier and loudspeaker may be omitted and the output taken across C8 and ground.   __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Digital Call Sign Annunciator -  in the USA, R/C wireless video hobbyists are required to operate their video transmitters under the FCC Part 97 regulations (amateur radio).  The only exceptions are the Part 15 approved systems, but these low power alternatives are rarely used.  Other countries have similar requirements.  Playing by the rules will certainly prevent conflicts with government officials, since they can levy substantial penalties to offenders.  But more importantly, following the rules is the basis of good amateur radio manners.   __ Designed by RC-CAM T. Black

Dual-Tone Horn -  This circuit generates two different frequencies and mixes these to produce a balanced ringing tone, which can be used in burglar alarms or call bells. The circuit uses a dual-timer IC LM556...__ Electronics Projects for You

Egyption Talking Frog Box -  This device 'listens' to a conversations and then interjects words and phrases at inappropriate times.   __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

Electronic Canary Doorbell -  This circuit is a modified "Hartley Oscillator" with a couple extra parts.    T1, the LT700 (Tony van Roon's or equivalent, is a small center tapped (Tony van Roon's ct) audio transformer with an impedance of 1000 ohms at 1000 hertz.    The secondary of this transformer has an impedance of 8 ohms.    Usually noted as 1K:8 ct.    I tried a couple other models like the red and green types (Tony van Roon's taken out of a $5 made-in-china am pocket radio) and they both work good.    You may have to adjust the caps to get the sound __ Designed by Tony van Roon  VA3AVR

Electronic Canary Sound Effects -  An electronic version of a chirping canary.  May be used as an alarm, a sound effects generator or perhaps a replacement doorbell __ Designed by Andy Collison

Electronic Chime -  Scroll Down to find this circuit.  This circuit simulates a chime similar to the sound many cars make when the keys are left in the ignition.  The bottom two gates form a squarewave audio oscillator that drives the base of the 2N4401, turning it on and off at an audio rate.  The top two gates produce a short low-going pulse about once per second that discharges the 10 uF capacitor through the diode.  The voltage then jumps up and slowly decays __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Electronic Dog Whistle -  Need electronic dog whistle? it is widely known that dogs can hear sounds with frequencies higher than the humans cant hear.  Sound frequencies higher than 20 kHz can be hardly detected by humans but animals are very sensitive to it.  Basing this fact, an electronic dog whistle can be constructed and used to call dogs back from __ Designed by D Mohankumar

Electronic glow-worm -  Here is a circuit that simulates the chirping and glow of a glow-worm bug.   __ Designed by Electronics Projects for You

Electronic Metronome -  A metronome is used by musicians for practice in maintaining a consistent tempo, or rubato, around a fixed beat.  This circuit produces a regular beat at the rate of 40 to...__ Electronics Projects for You

Electronic Metronome -  A Universal Power supply based on the L200 regulator, which includes an outboard pass transistor to boost output currents up to 4 amps.   __ Designed by Volker Jeschkeit

Emergency Siren Simulator -  This siren circuit simulates police, fire or other emergency sirens that produce an up and down wail.   __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Frogger Sound/ROM-FROGSND Arcade game (PDF) -  Schematic only, no circuit description included.   __ Contact jrokweb @ san.rr.com

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Synthesizers:  #'s - F      G - R      S - Z

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