Circuits Drive Single-Coil Latching Relays - 13-Nov-08 EDN-Design Ideas Five driver circuits operate single-coil latching relays__ Circuit Design by Alfredo H Saab and Tina Alikahi, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA
Circuits to transmit & Demoludate RF / video signals over fibre optic cable - There exist possibilities to transfer an RF signal into a Fibre Optic cable or Dielectric waveguide. There are ways that this can be achieved by using digital or analogue methods. The simplest way is by using analogue modulation. This can done by using AM (Amplitude Modulation) or FM (Frequency Modulation) techniques. __ Designed by Andrew Quinn
Closed-Caption Decoder - This is a closed-caption decoder with serial output based on a Microchip PIC16F628A. The internal comparators of the PIC16F628A are used to implement a peak detector and data slicer __ Designed by The hardware was Richard Ottosen, and the firmware was Eric Smith
Color Video Travels On Twisted-PaIR Cable - 08/17/95 EDN-Design Ideas This circuit transmits video anywhere phone lines exist. Although the circuit has more electronic components than the traditional single amplifier used to drive a coax cable, you can easily justify the additional electronics required to drive twisted-pair cables__ Circuit Design by Raphael Horton, National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA
Colour Bar Generator - I started this project 3 weeks ago, because I was wondering " is that possible, some AVR MCU to create simple colour bars? " At the beginning, I believed that it's easy. So, I asked some people who knew more about PAL composite video signal. The first idea was to work with 8.867238 MHz crystal (2 times the color carrier). When I read more about PAL video composite signal creation, I saw that if you want to product colors entire-in-software you must create the color-carrier (4.43 MHz), changing 4 times the phase of color-carrier (one time for each color), to show 4 colours. Except that, you have to change the color-burst from 135 deg to 135+90= 225 deg. __ Designed by © Vassilis Serasidis
Commodore 64 Video Modulator 251025 Schematics - Takes in S-video format video + mono audio, outputs S-video, composite video and modulated RF signal
Commodore RF Modulator - Schematic only, no circuit description
Component video to RGB converter - Does your TV have RGB instead of component video inputs? This project lets you get the best possible pictures from your DVD player. __ SiliconChip
Component Video-to-RGB Converter - This is to convert component video signal (YUV (YCrCb) into RGB video signal. This will able to attach recent digital video equipments to old RGB monitors. __ Designed by The Electronic Lives Manufacturing-presented Chan
Composite-VGA encoder/decoder eases display upgrade - 09/28/06 EDN-Design Ideas Upgrade an RGB video system without adding cables__ Circuit Design by Werner Schwiering, Joystick Scoring Ltd, Whitby, ON, Canada
Connection of the TV Set to VG/ SVG to a Card - The difficulty of connection vga of a videocard to the TV set is, that Frequency of lower case development(display) of the TV set makes 15 KHz, and VGA cardfrom 31 KHz and is higher. Translation of development(display) of the TV set up to 31 KHz practically is unreal, because of The large inductance coil and excessive parasitic capacity SPLIT.
CRT Display Controller - This is an HD6445 based display control interface that outputs to TV or RGB monitor. It is designed as so to be controlled with many board microcomputers, so it can easy to control CRT monitor. And its resolution is 256x200 dots, 16 colors. __ Designed by The Electronic Lives Manufacturing-presented Chan
Crystal TV Video Modulator - Schematic only __ Designed by va3iul
Decoder for encoded transmissions in Videocrypt & D2MA - C - The ATMEL AVR programmer works with the Windows program “Ponyprog” which works under 95, 98, XP, … and can be found at On board the AVRs that can be programmed are those in the schematic. For other members of AVR family or the rest programmable ICs that Ponyprog can program, there is the J1 connector (CON10) which allows expanding the programmer’s hardware. See Ponyprog’s site for other’s ICs Ponyprog circuits.
DeTeWeVE301 German 'Volksempfaenger' radio picture & schematic De - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Different Types Of TV Tuner - TV tuner that is used on older models and new models of television there are some differences. Therefore, understanding the different types of tuner would be useful if we want to replace the tuner with the other models. Supply voltage tuner. Tuner older models generally use a supply voltage of 12v, the new models are […]
Digital sync-tip clamping: a new approach to video-signal conditionin - 10/08/98 EDN-Design Ideas In digital sync-tip clamping, a stand-alone "clamping" ADC(CADC] incorporates the dc-restore function at its input and eliminates the need for external timing strobes. This technique encompasses a complete front-end architecture, including sync detection and automatic gain control(AGC] and provIdeas__ Circuit Design by Lazar Shifrin, Advanced Imaging Solutions
Digital TV & your Vintage Television - Do not worry about analog TV being turned offYou can still use your valve VHF black and white TV sets with the digital transmissions __ Contact: blehack @ yahoo dot com
Digital VGA Switch - Digital VGA switch for switching between two PC monitors with MAX465 IC.
Digital Video Processor - Circuit Only __ Designed by Stephen Edwards
Dirt cheap video using PIC16F819 - PIC Project Want to add video to your next project?This device uses a PIC16F819 and not much else. Getting 20 characters to a line is possible by using the SPI port to generate video. Neat trick, eh? __ Designed by Luhan Monat, Mesa, AZ
Drive Single-Coil Latching Relays - 11/13/08 EDN-Design Ideas Five driver circuits operate single-coil latching relays__ Circuit Design by Alfredo H Saab and Tina Alikahi, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA
Dumont 180 type 3 - pre-war television schematic vintage television (schematic)
Dumont 180, 181, 182, 183 - pre-war television data w/schematic vintage television (schematic)
Dumont 180X, 181X, 182X, 183X - pre-war television data w/schematic vintage television (schematic)
DVD Recorder + TV Camera Make Cheap Data Logger - Sometimes recording the results of a test requires as much ingenuity as designing the product. Consider a situation which requires the collection of many different variables over a long period of time . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-April, 2005
Eight-Function Remote Uses One Button, No Microcode - 12/15/09 EDN-Design Ideas Simplify the operation of a remote control__ Circuit Design by Jay Davis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, Wichita, KS
Ekco TX287 - One of my favourite setsThis is a 17" model from 1957 __ Contact: blehack @ yahoo dot com
Facilitate Video Fading - 03/15/01 EDN-Design Ideas When you're copying videotapes, it's sometimes desirable to suppress some passages. Using the pause control of the recorder does not yield satisfactory results. Another method produces better results (Figure 1). The video source connects to the video-in plug, and the recorder connects to the video-out plug. __ Circuit Design by J Terrade
Filter Design uses image parameters - 05/25/00 EDN-Design Ideas Reference 1 gives low-cost image-parameter design techniques for LC lowpass filters. Filter design using a low number of circuit elements results in reduced costs for both parts procurement and manufacturing. The technique applie__ Circuit Design by Richard Kurzrok, RMK Consultants, Queens Village, NY
Four-Channel Video & Audio Sequencer - This next project is a simple circuit for switching your CCTV camera outputs sequentially. It switches four video and audio channels sequentially, one at a time. It is built around a 555 timer few other components. The timer is configured as an astable multi-vibrator. A single-side PCB of the four-channel video and audio sequencer is provided along with the component layout. After assembling the circuit on the PCB, enclose it in a suitable plastic box. __ Electronics Projects for You |