Motorized Video Camera Mount - This article describes a motorized, waterproof mount for a miniature video camera. If a suitable waterproof camera is used, this unit can be used outdoors. __ Designed by G. Forrest Cook
National NC-TV 10T televsion 1950 parts list & schematic - vintage television (schematic) __ National NC-TV
New approach to video-signal conditioning - 10/08/98 EDN-Design Ideas In digital sync-tip clamping, a stand-alone "clamping" ADC(CADC] incorporates the dc-restore function at its input and eliminates the need for external timing strobes. This technique encompasses a complete front-end architecture, including sync detection and automatic gain control(AGC] and provIdeas__ Circuit Design by Lazar Shifrin, Advanced Imaging Solutions
New Low Cost Differential Input Video Amplifiers Simplify Designs & Improve Performance - DN55 Design Notes __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices
Nora K5W German radio info & schematic - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Video to VGRGB Conversion - This is a scan converter that converts NTSC signal (TV, VCR, LD or DVD) to VGA signal to output VGA monitor. __ Designed by The Electronic Lives Manufacturing-presented Chan
NTSC Test Signal Generator - An accurate test signal generator for television calibration and measurements. __ Designed by The Electronic Lives Manufacturing-presented Chan
NTSC-to-VGA Scan Converter - This is a scan converter for NTSC signal from TV, VCR, LD or DVD to VGA conversion. Your VGA monitor will able to be used for video monitor. __ Designed by The Electronic Lives Manufacturing-presented Chan
NTSC-to-VGA Scan Converter #2 - This is a scan converter for NTSC signal from TV, VCR, LD or DVD to VGA conversion. Your VGA monitor will able to be used for video monitor. __ Designed by The Electronic Lives Manufacturing-presented Chan
PAL colour bar generator - I started this project 3 weeks ago, because I was wondering " is that possible, some AVR MCU to create simple colour bars? " At the beginning, I believed that it's easy. So, I asked some people who knew more about PAL composite video signal. The first idea was to work with 8.867238 MHz crystal (2 times the color carrier). When I read more about PAL video composite signal creation, I saw that if you want to product colors entire-in-software you must create the color-carrier (4.43 MHz), changing 4 times the phase of color-carrier (one time for each color), to show 4 colours. Except that, you have to change the color-burst from 135 deg to 135+90= 225 deg. __ Designed by © Vassilis Serasidis
Pattern generator based on an Atmel ATtiny2313 running at 20MHz - This is a pattern generator with 13 images and 1KHZ tone, good for testing LCD TV’s, projectors and cathode ray tube TV’s. The project is based on ATtiny2313 running at 20MHZ. The horizontal frequency is 15625HZ and the vertical frequency is 50HZ (Europe standard). __ AVR Projects Dim
Philco 48-1282 differences from 48-1262 - vintage television (schematic)
Philco 91 AM radio data w/schematic - vintage television (schematic)
Philips 630C radio manual w/schematic nl - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Philips B2X12A LW/AM/FM radio manual w/schematic nl - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Philips B3X02A LW/AM/SW/FM radio manual w/schematic nl - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Philips B6X12A LW/AM/SW/FM radio manual w/schematic nl - vintage television (schematic) __ Designed by Frank Pocnet
Philips PM5544 Test Pattern generator - Are you missing the test pattern that SBS used to broadcast? Here's how I've regained it without paying $1000'sA digital box that plays jpg files is the answer __ Contact: blehack @ yahoo dot com
PIC micro frame grabber (TDA8708) - Schematic Only
PIC Tock Video Clock - PIC-Tock is a video clock using a PIC16C61. In the tradition of Marv Newland's "Bambi Meets Godzilla", there is far too much ROM space spent on credits, which are smooth-scrolled horizontally on the bottom of the screen. __ Designed by Eric Smith
PIR Camera - A simple automatic motion-detection Digital Camera. __ Contact: Collin Mitchell
Porto PA-510 & PA-520 Baradio standard AA-5 schematic - vintage television (schematic)
Printer port controls video multiplexe - 08/01/96 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit in Figure 1 is a four-channel video-signal multiplexer. Eight-bit binary data(of which only 3 bits are used] from a PC's parallel printer port controls the multiplexing operation. The inputs for all the channel__ Circuit Design by Shyam Tiwari, SR&HPG, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India
Printer Port Controls Video Multiplexer - 08/01/96 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit in Figure 1 is a four-channel video-signal multiplexer. Eight-bit binary data (of which only 3 bits are used] from a PC's parallel printer port controls the multiplexing operation. The inputs for all the channel__ Circuit Design by Shyam Tiwari, SR&HPG, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, India
Priority Encoders Slip Into FPGA - 02/17/94 EDN-Design Ideas The standard 8-to-3 priority encoder's design, in maximal canonical form (such as the 74148), suffers from drawbacks when you try to use the design as a macro in a large digital project. The drawbacks are: The number of inputs to the gates varies from two to nine; If any of the inputs develops a stuck-at-zero or stuck-at-one fault, such a fault is difficult to detect; and Reconfiguring the design to suit a fault-tolerant design is difficult. __ Circuit Design by Swapnajit Mittra, Baharat Electronics, Bangalore, India