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Amplifier Circuits:  Video
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Video Amplifier Circuits:  #'s - B        C - F         G - L         M - P         R - S         T - U         V - Z

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E. :

Improve the quality of standard TV images   -  I designed this circuit many years ago, based on the claims that the technique would improve the quality of standard TV images.  The circuit adds information to the edges of the objects and was reported to bring out more detail.  After building and testing . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July 08, 2000

Infrared TV/VCR Remote Booster   -  This circuit will boost the signal from any infrared TV or VCR remote, extending the range by a factor of 3X.   . . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-October 05, 2005

IR TV/VCR Remote Booster   -  This circuit will boost the signal from any infrared TV or VCR remote, extending the range by a factor of 3X.   . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-October 05, 2005

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

GE HM-171 pre-war television schematic  -  vintage television (schematic)

General Purpose Display Controller -  This is a general purpose display controller for small microcontrollers.  It will be used for various use because it is easy to change its configuration through using a CPLD. __ Designed by The Electronic Lives Manufacturing-presented Chan

General Radio 210 Amplifier -  250 Amplifier, 390 Eliminator schematic vintage television (schematic)

Generate composite color video signals in software using an SX microcontroller -  This document describes how to generate composite color video signals in software using an SX microcontroller.  First the document describes the video signal and after that how to do it in software __ Designed by Rickard Gunee

Generate video signals in software using PIC -  During the Christmas holidays 1997-1998, I started on a small project, trying to generate a video signal with a PIC16C84.  I had seen some video clock generating video signals in software, and thought it was a quite interesting idea, and wanted to take it a step further.  I didn't know much about video signals back then, __ Designed by Rickard Gunee

Generator provides 537 NTSC pattern -  12/03/98 EDN-Design Ideas If you're involved in the television, CRT, or deflection-yoke business, the circuit in Figure 1  can prove useful for adjusting convergence and purity performance.  The circuit generates dots, 537-line- crosshatch, and negative-field(crosshatch- inverted) patterns.  You normally.   File has several circuits, scroll to this one__ Circuit Design by Adolfo Mondragon, Philips Components, Juarez, Mexico

Gesture Control Coming to a Television Near You -  3-Apr-13 -Design News:   Charles MurrayPressing buttons on your television's remote may one day be passe .  A new technology will enable couch potatoes to change channels, adjust the volume, rewind a movie, browse the Internet, or control myriad other functions with simple physical gestures.  The technology, incorporated into a device __   Gadget Freak

Heathkit AR-1 AM /SW radio manual w/schematic -  vintage television (schematic)

Heathkit BR-1 AM radio schematic -  vintage television (schematic)

Heathkit BR-2 AM radio schematic -  vintage television (schematic)

Heathkit FM -1 FM tuner manual w/schematic -  vintage television (schematic)

Home Media Centre with Raspberry Pi -  Raspberry Pi and your LED/LCD TV could be a very interesting combination to try out various DIY projects at home.  One such great project is converting your LED/LCD TV into a __ Electronics Projects for You

Home Satellite TV System for Less Than 50 Bucks -  Tune into TV signals on the Optus B1 satellite with this surplus gear.  $50 buys you all the bits. __ SiliconChip

Homebuilt Video Digitizer Mark I -  This frame grabber design digitises pictures to very high quality in monochrome (8-bit black & white). Although designed for the European standard 625-line / 50Hz TV system, it should work with the American 525-line / 60Hz standard with minimal modification. __ Designed by W.A. Steer  PhD

Homebuilt Video Digitizer Mark II -  A "video-digitiser" (also known as a "frame grabber") captures television pictures from a TV set, camera, or video recorder, etc., and forwards them to a computer for display, storage, or general manipulation. This document describes a home-built digitiser which interfaces to an EPP (or bi-directional) parallel port on IBM PCs. __ Designed by W.A. Steer  PhD

IC Forms Differential Line Driver/Receiver -  05/25/95 EDN-Design Ideas you can use the HFA1212 dual video buffer to implement differential line drivers and receivers with a minimum of external components__ Circuit Design by Mark Amarandos, Harris Semiconductor, Costa Mesa, CA

Improve the quality of standard TV images -  I designed this circuit many years ago, based on the claims that the technique would improve the quality of standard TV images.  The circuit adds information to the edges of the objects and was reported to bring out more detail.  After building and testing . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

Infrared Audio Headphone Link for TV -  Do you have trouble understanding what's being said on the TV? Do you need the volume cranked up too loud for everyone else? Do you have a hearing aid as well? If you said yes to any other these questions, here is your answer: an infrared transmitter and receiver to let you listen to the TV sound via headphones.  That way, you can listen as loudly as you like, without disturbing anyone else. __ SiliconChip

Infrared TV/VCR Remote Booster -  This circuit will boost the signal from any infrared TV or VCR remote, extending the range by a factor of 3X.. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-October, 2005

Intelligent Video Switcher -  Monitoring several cameras on one monitor is usually done in one of two ways:  divide the screen into sections and show them all at once, or time sequence the cameras onto the whole screen. __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

Intrusion Detector-Video -  This device uses a PIC16F819 and an LM339 to detect motion on a video signal.  The incoming video is 'clamped' using one section of the LM339, the sync tips are detected with another section, and a 3rd section can detect VBI or other data. __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

IR TV/VCR Remote Booster -  This circuit will boost the signal from any infrared TV or VCR remote, extending the range by a factor of 3X. . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-October, 2005

KD2BD ATV AM Video Modulator -  video signal processing circuit that allows adjustment of video gain, video bias, sync and sync level

KD2BD Video Operated Relay -  turns on relay if there is video signal present in the input

KLH Eight table-top FM Radio schematic -  vintage television (schematic)

LH0032 Video Amplifier -  Schematic Only

Line Cord Resistor replacements -  This page has come about mainly as a result of having open circuit line cord resistors in every single one of my Meck FM converters.  Here, I look at the options for modern substitutes and other schemes for dropping the mains voltage for where a series heater power supply is used.   There is also much misinformation regarding diode and capacitor droppers on the internet, and sadly, some radios are having their valves damaged because of this.  So, I hope to clear this up and show how to calculate the correct components. __ Contact: blehack @ yahoo dot com

Live Telecasting On Your Web -  Presented here is an Internet-based project for telecasting live video from your computer to your webpage.  The video can be viewed on the computers of your family members, relatives or friends __ Electronics Projects for You

LM359N Video Amplifier -  Schematic Only __ Designed by Sam Electronic Circuits

Low Cost Audio/Video Distribution Amplifier -  Easy-to-build unit can distribute six channels of composite video   (& stereo audio) or three channels of S-video. __ SiliconChip

Low cost video Motion Detection -  This device uses a PIC16F819 and an LM339 to detect motion on a video signal.  The incoming video is 'clamped' using one section of the LM339, the sync tips are detected with another section, and a 3rd section can detect VBI or other data. __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona

Low-cost biases VCOs for cable & TV -  11/20/97 EDN-Design Ideas PLLs are useful in a variety of applications, most notably cable and TV tuners.   __ Circuit Design by Ravindra Ambatipudi, National Semiconductor Corp, Santa Clara, CA

LT1399/LT1399HV Triple 300MHz Current Feedback Amplifiers Drive Component Video & LCD Displays -  DN213 Design Notes __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Luminescent generator -  When spun rapidly between the fingers, a bipolar stepper motor will generate around 10VAC.  If this is stepped up with a small 240V to 6-0-6V transformer in reverse (with series connected __ Designed by © Rev. Thomas Scarborough

Video Amplifier Circuits:  #'s - B        C - F         G - L         M - P         R - S         T - U         V - Z

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