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Analog to Digital (A/D) Circuits
Converters -- Main Page

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Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

One IC Adds Analog Inputs to Digital PLC 05/11/95 EDN-Design Ideas Many low-cost programmable logic controllers   (PLCs] are digital only and have relay outputs, debounced digital inputs, and one or more counter inputs.  The circuit in Fig 1 adds four 8-bit analog inputs to even the most basic PLC.__ Circuit Design by Author Not Listed

Parallel port powers Simple Circuit A/D interface 10/23/97 EDN-Design Ideas If you have to sample just a few low-rate analog signals, or your PC's slots are all full or too outdated for the newer data-acquisition products, a simple interface may be all you need.  You can build such an interface that requires no external power supplies or adapters(Figure 1).  This design__ Circuit Design by David M Acre, McDonnell Douglas Aerospace, St Louis, MO

Precision ADC interface 08/21/03 EDN-Design Ideas Real-world measurement requires the extraction of weak signals from noisy sources.  High common-mode voltages are often present even in differential measurements.  The usual approach to this problem is to use an op amp or an instrumentation amplifier and then perform some type of lowpass-filtering to reduce the background noise level__ Circuit Design by Moshe Gerstenhaber and Charles Kitchin, Analog Devices, Wilmington, MA

Precision closely Monitors –48V bus 10/17/02 EDN-Design Ideas Ever-greater complexity in communications systems has spurred a need for power-supply management.  POTS(plain-old telephone systems] obtain power from –48V supplies backed by arrays of batteries in central offices and distributed throughout copper lines.  Although nominally –48V, the voltage on the lines can vary from –40 to –80V, and the voltage is subject to surges and__ Circuit Design by Paul Smith and Jim Staley, Analog Devices, Wilmington, MA

Printer Port Controls A/D Conversion 12/19/96 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit in Figue 1 uses a microcontroller (PIC16C71] as an A/D converter and a data organizer.  The circuit plugs directly into a PC printer port and needs no external power supply.  Under the control of the Borland C program in__ Circuit Design by Yongping Xia, Philips Lighting Electronics Co, Torrance, CA

Printer Port Controls A/D Conversion 12/19/96 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit in Figue 1 uses a microcontroller(PIC16C71] as an A/D converter and a data organizer.  The circuit plugs directly into a PC printer port and needs no external power supply.  Under the control of the Borland C program in Listing 1, the µC selects one of three analog channels, performs A/D conversion, sends low and high nibbles of converted data back to the printer port, and waits for the next command__ Circuit Design by Yongping Xia, Philips Lighting Electronics Co, Torrance, CA

PScope: High-Speed ADC Data Collection Software When provides a customer with a high speed ADC demo board we also provide PScope, the software to evaluate the demo board.  PScope is a simple software package that can collect, and display data from high speed ADC demo boards.  It will also provide a simple and easy way to measure the key performance parameters __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Clarence Mayott Jan 4th 2011

Pseudodifferential Multichannel Bridge Digitizer & Digital Cold Junction Compensation This circuit enables pseudodifferential measurements of several bridge transducers and absolute temperature measurement.  Consecutive readings are performed on each side of the bridge by selecting the appropriate channel on the LTC2428.  Each output is digitized and the results digitally subtracted to obtain the pseudodifferential __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Apr 29th 2010

PWM ADC is Surprisingly Accurate 06/09/94 EDN-Design Ideas The reference voltage in Fig 1a's simple rail-to-rail PWM ADC is the only critical component.  The input-voltage range extends from ground to the power rail which also acts as the reference.  The circuit is essentially a variation__ Circuit Design by Mike Walne, Farnell Instruments, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, UK

Read multiple switches using ADC EDN-Design Ideas 06/29/2015    How the author learned to interface 8 switches using zero GPIOs__ Circuit Design by Les Hughson

Rearranged reference helps ADC measure its own supply voltage 28-Apr-05 EDN-Design Ideas Clever topology allows self-measurement of power supply rail__ Circuit Design by Björn Starmark and Orville Buenaventura, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Sunnyvale, CA, and Sören Käck, Audioväxlar, Sweden

Remote Half Bridge Digitizer Platinum RTD with Noise Suppression on Reference The LTC2414/LTC2418 are 8-/16-channel (4-/8-differential) micropower 24-bit ΔΣ analog-to-digital converters.  They operate from 2.7V to 5.5V and include an integrated oscillator, 2ppm INL and 0.2ppm RMS noise.  They use delta-sigma technology and provide single cycle settling time for multiplexed applications.  Through a single __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 30th 2010

RTD & Thermocouple Remote Temperature Digitizer The LTC2449 is commonly used with thermocouples and RTDs as shown in this circuit.  Thermocouple outputs produce very small changes (tens of microvolts per degree C) and the output will be negative if the thermocouple is colder than the cold junction connection from the thermocouple to the copper traces on the PCB.  The __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 30th 2010

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