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Analog to Digital (A/D) Circuits
Converters -- Main Page

A/D Converters:  #'s      A      B - E      F - L      M - N      O - R      S - Z

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Serial Port A/D Converter This circuit is a simple adapter for PC parallel port to think that there is a printer connected to computer.  This adapter is useful for testing printing speed with different software and as a part of your own designs. 
You can use this circuit to connect your simple circuits to the parallel port __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Serial Port Drives 12 Bit ADC 10/12/95 EDN-Design Ideas The circuit in Fig 1 performs a task that a microcontroller usually performs, that of driving a 12-bit ADC from the serial port of a PC.  Power consumption is low; the 2-mA operating current drops to only 15 µA in shutdown.__ Circuit Design by John Wettroth, Maxim Integrated Products, Sunnyvale, CA

Setup Tests 68HC11 µP's Internal A/D Converter 10/13/94 EDN-Design Ideas The MC68HC11, an 8-bit single-chip microcontroller, features an on-chip, eight-channel, multiplexed 8-bit A/D converter.  But the µC's data sheet specifies merely the A/D converter's maximum integral nonlinearity and a lower limit for its reference voltage (3V).  The test setup in Fig 1, along with appropriate µC software and test stimuli, more thoroughly characterizes the converter.__ Circuit Design by Mika Maaspuro, Kirstinmaki, Espoo, Finland

Simple Circuit ADC Is Surprisingly Accurate 06/09/94 EDN-Design Ideas The reference voltage in Fig 1a's simple rail-to-rail PWM ADC is the only critical component.  The input-voltage range extends from ground to the power rail which also acts as the reference.  The circuit is essentially a variation__ Circuit Design by Mike Walne, Farnell Instruments, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, UK

Simple Circuit Analog Provides Voltage Clipping & DC Shifting for Flash ADC 04/03/08  EDN-Design Ideas A dual-current-feedback-op-amp circuit performs voltage limiting and dc shifting for a sensitive flash ADC__ Circuit Design by Alfredo del Rio, University of Vigo, Spain

Simple Circuit Analog-to-Digital Converter This circuit is a simple adapter for PC parallel port to think that there is a printer connected to computer.  This adapter is useful for testing printing speed with different software and as a part of your own designs. 
You can use this circuit to connect your simple circuits to the parallel port __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Simple Circuit provides precision ADC interface 08/21/03 EDN-Design Ideas Real-world measurement requires the extraction of weak signals from noisy sources.  High common-mode voltages are often present even in differential measurements.  The usual approach to this problem is to use an op amp or an instrumentation amplifier and then perform some type of lowpass-filtering to reduce the background noise level__ Circuit Design by Moshe Gerstenhaber and Charles Kitchin, Analog Devices, Wilmington, MA

Simple Circuit PWM ADC Is Surprisingly Accurate 06/09/94 EDN-Design Ideas The reference voltage in Fig 1a's simple rail-to-rail PWM ADC is the only critical component.  The input-voltage range extends from ground to the power rail which also acts as the reference.  The circuit is essentially a variation__ Circuit Design by Mike Walne, Farnell Instruments, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, UK

Single 5V Supply Linearized 0°C to 400°C Platinum RTD Amplifier The LTC2053 is a high precision instrumentation amplifier.  The CMRR is typically 116dB with a single or dual 5V supply and is independent of gain.  The input offset voltage is guaranteed below 10μV with a temperature drift of less than 50nV/°C.  The LTC2053 is easy to use; the gain is adjustable with two external resistors, __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 30th 2010

Single IC Adds Analog Inputs to Digital PLC 05/11/95 EDN-Design Ideas Many low-cost programmable logic controllers   (PLCs] are digital only and have relay outputs, debounced digital inputs, and one or more counter inputs.  The circuit in Fig 1 adds four 8-bit analog inputs to even the most basic PLC.__ Circuit Design by Author Not Listed

Single Supply 16-Bit ADC Driver This circuit shows the LT6203 driving an LTC1864 unipolar 16-bit, 250ksps A/D converter.  The bottom half of the LT6203 is in a gain of 1 and buffers the 0V negative fullscale signal VLOW into the negative input of the LTC1864.  The upper half of the LT6203 is in a gain of 10, referenced to the buffered voltage VLOW and drives __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jul 2, 2012

Single Supply RS-232 Interface for Bipolar to D Converters DN29 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Sometimes, one capacitor is better than two 06/05/00 EDN-Design Ideas Many A/D converters use an internal resistor ladder as a two-point differential voltage reference in the conversion.  This method demands that these two nodes remain steady.  The higher the resolution, the stronger the demand for quiet voltages.  Figure 1 depicts a simplified schematic of the LM985XX reference ladderPDF has several designs, scroll to find this one__ Circuit Design by Robert LeBoeuf, National Semiconductor, Salem, NH

Split or Single Supply Operation, Bidirectional Output into A/D In this circuit, split supply operation is used on both the LT1787 and LT1404 to provide a symmetric bidirectional measurement.  In the single-supply case, where the LT1787 pin 6 is driven by VREF, the bidirectional measurement range is slightly asymmetric due to VREF being somewhat greater than mid-span of the ADC input range. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 31, 2010

Synchronous Oscillator Converts Audio, Video to FM 07/22/99 EDN-Design Ideas The synchronous oscillator(SO) and the coherent phase-locked synchronous oscillator(CPSO) are universal multifunctional networks that track, synchronize, and amplify as much as 80 dB; improve SNR by as much as 70 dB; and modulate AM, FM, and FSK signals__ Circuit Design by Vasil Uzunoglu

Temperature Sensor Uses I2C Isolator 6-Jun-96 EDN-Design Ideas You can couple an LM75 digital output-temperature sensor through an isolated I2C(interintegrated circuit] interface(see Reference] as shown in Figure 1.  Electrically isolating the sensor allows operation in situations prone to high common-mode voltages; it's also useful in breaking ground loops.  IC1 and IC2 comprise a bidirectional isolator__ Circuit Design by Jerry Steele, National Semiconductor, Tucson, AZ

Temperature-Measurement Scheme Uses IR Sensor & Sigma-Delta ADC 3-Apr-03 EDN-Design Ideas Many noncontact temperature-measurement systems use infrared sensors, such as thermopiles, which can detect small amounts of heat radiation.  Biomedical thermometers that measure the temperature of an ear or a temple use noncontact temperature measurement, as do automotive-HVAC systems that adjust temperature zones based on the body temperature of passengers__ Circuit Design by Albert O'Grady and Mary McCarthy, Analog Devices, Limerick, Ireland

Testing Linearity of the LTC2400 24-Bit No Latency Delta SigmaTM A/D Converter Help from the Nineteenth Century Design Solutions 11 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

The Care & Feeding of High Performance ADCs: Get All the Bits You Paid For AN71 Linear Technology This App Note describes proper techniques for applying high performance ADCs.  It describesproblems designers encounter, how to recognize ir symptoms and how to avoid m.  Topics include ground planes and grounding, supply and reference bypassing, analog input signal conditioning, sampling clock generation, signal jitter and proper handling___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

The LT1993-2 Driving an LTC2255 ADC Sampling at 96.12Msps with a 70MHz, 4-Channel WCDMA Signal 70MHz IF signal driver into ADC.  Four to one transformer on input with capacitive coupling into input of LT1993-2, LC filter on output provides Out of Band Filtering. __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Jul 2, 2012

The LTC1096 & 1098: Micropower SO-8 8-Bit ADCs Sample at 1kHz on 3µA of Supply Current DN60 Design Notes___ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

The Simple Circuit Way to Match to a High-Speed ADC Input-LTM9001 High-speed, high-resolution ADCs are critical components in communications and instrumentation applications.  The interface between the final amplifier of the signal chain and the input pins of the ADC is challenging and time-consuming.  Yet it is critical to the performance of the entire system.  Traditionally, this requires __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Todd Nelson-Manager-Module Development Jun 15th 2009

Two ADC channels double sensor precision 03/18/99 EDN-Design Ideas   (PDF contains multiple circuits, scroll to find this circuit) The accuracy of the onchip ADCs of numerous small and inexpensive 8-bit mPs is well-suited for many applications.  However, some  situations benefit from.   PDF contains multiple circuits, scroll to find this circuit__ Circuit Design by Luke J Barker, Reinke Manufacturing Co Inc, Deshler, NE

Two wires control SPI high-speed ADC 11/10/05 EDN-Design Ideas Inverters substitute for an SPI ADC's chip-select line__ Circuit Design by Dan Meeks, Texas Instruments Inc, Austin, TX

Two-Channel ADC Tags Its Own Output 04/28/94 EDN-Design Ideas Transferring converted data from high-speed DACs directly to system RAM to avoid µP bottlenecks is common.  But, if the ADC serves more than one input, the µP obviously won't be able to select channels during the DMA period.  The circuit in Fig 1 shows a simple way to operate a 1-MHz, 12-bit ADC  (IC1) in DMA mode__ Circuit Design by Fred Hamilton, National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA

Using 555 Timer as an A/D Converter Measure voltages accurately with a microcontroller using this simple circuit.  Includes sample program for the Parallax Basic Stamp. __ Designed by Bob Blick

Wide Dynamic Range A/D Converters Pave the Way for Wideband Digital Radio Receivers 11/07/96 EDN-Design Feature    With recent advances in data conversion, mixers, and DSPs, digital radios are becoming more commonplace.  But what are digital radios, how do they work, and how do they differ from analog radios?__ Circuit Design by Brad Brannon, Analog Devices Inc

A/D Converters:  #'s      A      B - E      F - L      M - N      O - R      S - Z

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