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Data Acquisition / Data Logging Circuits
#'s -A      B - C      D      E - L     M - P      Q - T       U - V

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:42 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E.

characteristics of CMOS Logic Inverter AmplifiersThis chart shows some of the measured characteristics of three different unbuffered CMOS logic gates, used as voltage amplifiers . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

Circuit Forms Divide By 1.5 CounterTwo inexpensive ICs divide a TTL clock signal by 1.5.  By following the circuit with another flip/flop, you could also generate a divide by three function. . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

CMOS Logic Inverter Amplifier characteristicsThis chart shows some of the measured characteristics of three different unbuffered CMOS logic gates, used as voltage amplifiers. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-February, 2002

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Bang-bang thermostat is Simple Circuit & efficient  -  11/06/97 EDN Design Ideas:  Perhaps  simplest and oldest feedback loop is  nonproportional, all-or-nothing, "bang-bang" rmostat.  Fully turning on a heater when  temperature is below setpoint and off when it's above setpoint is a straightforward example of a servomechanism.  Yet, elementary and crude as servomechanisms are, examples surround Design by W Stephen Woodward, University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill

Battery Data Logger, discharger, ATMEGA88 & PC SW  -  This discharger can handle any single cell technology, current 0-1165mA in almost 1mA step.  It measures the internal resistance also during the discharge. __ Designed by Thomas Scherrer OZ2CPU

Better Than Bessel Linear Phase Filters for Data Communications  -  AN56 The pace of world of digital communications is increasing at a tremendous rate.  Each day engineer is requested to compact more data insame channel bandwidth with closer channel spacing.  This App Note discusses some o frequirements and techniques for usin gnew LTC1064/1164 and LTC1264-7 filters which were designed specifically__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Brain Wave Machine  -  Humans have been using light and sound to achieve altered states of consciousness for thousands of years.  Primitive cultures used flickering fires and rythmic drumming to induce these altered states.  Today, you can choose from a wide variety of electronic brain-wave machines which use light and/or sound to alter brain-wave activity.  Brain-wave activity ranges from fully awake to deep dreamless sleep.  This activity is categorized into five primary groups: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma.   __ Designed by  © Hack Canada

Build a Temperature Logger  -  Standalone unit can record up to 2048 measurements and display the results on your PC.__ SiliconChip

Casio datalogger  -  The “LCD2LPT with Lirc“ circuit is the compilation of two circuits found on the net on a single board.  The first is LCD to LPT interface and the second an IR remote control interface using http://www.lirc.org program.__ 

CentronICs Port D/A converters & low-pass filter  -  JDAC and CENT_DAC are both simple Digital to Analogue converter to use with your iBM PC/AT or compatible.  Those circuit are connected to Centronics parallel port and does not affect the normal port usage in any way.  The circuits are transparent to computer, so it is not possible to program to see if those devices are connected or not. __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Characteristics of CMOS Logic Inverter Amplifiers  -  This chart shows some of the measured characteristics of three different unbuffered CMOS logic gates, used as voltage amplifiers . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-February 11, 2006

Cheap Computer Input Ideas  -  The following are a few simple ways to get data into a computer for little out-of-pocket expense __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Circuit Forms Divide By 1.5 Counter  -  Two inexpensive ICs  divide a TTL clock signal by 1.5.  By following the circuit with another flip/flop, you could also generate a divide by three function . . . Circuit by David Johnson P.E.-July 06, 2000

Circuit Monitor 2  -  PIC  Project  This is a circuit monitoring device.  It runs for over 10 days and can log up to 32k events both digital and analog.  Samples are logged either on a timing basis (.01 to 2.5 seconds) , or on a triggered basis.  Four inputs are provided, up to three of which can be analog __ Designed by Luhan Monat - Mesa Arizona

Closed Loop Control with the LTC1090 Series of Data Acquisition Systems  -  DN13 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

CMOS Logic Inverter Amplifier Characteristics  -  This chart shows some of the measured characteristics of three different unbuffered CMOS logic gates, used as voltage amplifiers . . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-February 11, 2006

Collection of Differential to Single-Ended Signal Conditionings for Use with the LTC2400 a 24-Bit No Latency ΔσADC in an SO-8  -  AN78 Linear Technology This App Note describes six low power differential-tosingleended signal conditioning circuits forLTC2400 No Latency ΔΣTM 24-bit ADC.  These circuits offercustomer a number of choices for conditioning differential input signals as low as 5mV to as high as ±2.5V, as well as operation on a single 5V or ±5V supplies.  Each circuit description;;;;__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Commercial Broadcasting station 'open' microphone time logging system  -  This project was for a commercial radio station data logger.  The basic idea is to have 32 microphone switch inputs that the TimeLogger would track and record which mike was on or off and the time and date when the change occurred.  The unit has a built in RS232 link that it would periodically use to download the data to a PC in a spreadsheet compatible format.  The heart of the unit is a PIC   __ Designed by Steve Hageman

Complex Data Acquisition System uses FeW Components  -  DN24 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Component & Measurement Advances Ensure 16-Bit DAC Settling Time  -  AN74 DAC DC specifications are relatively easy to verify.  AC specifications require more sophisticated approaches to produce reliable information.  In particular, the settling time of the DAC and its output amplifier is extraordinarily difficult to determine to 16-bit resolution.  This App Note presents methods for 16-bit DAC settling time measurement__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Computer A/D Uses a Serial Port  -  Here is an inexpensive way to get slow-moving analog data directly into a spreadsheet on your computer!  A simple circuit connects to a serial port and a short Qbasic program gathers and saves 12 bit data to a file.  A spreadsheet automatically retrieves the file and displays the data in real time.  Once the data is in the spreadsheet, the full power and flexibility of the office suite is available. __ Designed by John Nooyen

Computer Data Loggings  -  The following are a few simple ways to get data into a computer for little out-of-pocket expense __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Connects Serial Instrument with RS485 or RS232 to the Internet  -  The device that converts RS485 and RS232 to the ethernet LAN has been developed.  The device was built with the Lantronix XPort embedded ethernet server and the industrial standard differential RS485 transceiver, 75176 and the single-end RS232 driver, MAX232.  The XPort module provides 10/100 ethernet port and the +3V logic UART.  The 75176 and MAX232 are +5V TTL logic __ Designed by Wichit Sirichote

Control shuts down data-acquisition system  -  One of the most effective ways to reduce circuit power is to shut down unused components.  Some circuits with power-shutdown capability reduce supply current 1000-fold compared with normal operation.  Placing data-conversion and support components in shutdown between conversions or when conversions are unnecessary significantly reduces supply current and average dissipation.    Design by Kevin Hoskins, Linear Technology Corp, Milpitas, CA

Convert binary data to BCD in just 92 µsec  -  05/21/98 Design ideas - (Multiple circuits listed, scroll to find this one)  The subroutine "FASTBCD" (Listing 1) for 8051 µPs quickly converts 16-bit binary to 24-bit BCD data.  The conversion algorithm involves left-shifting bits from the high-order bit of the binary number into the carry bit while left-shifting the carry bits into the low-order bit of a BCD shift register using BCD left-shift operations.    Design by Keith Rubow, Olec Inc, Irvine, CA

Converter Translates Bayer Raw Data to RGB Format  -  4-Feb-10 EDN Design Ideas:  Convert data to ausable format Design by Yu-Chieh Chen and Tai-Shan Liao, National Applied Research Laboratories, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Creating Data Logging Applications in Microsoft Excel  -  Application Note__ Aligent

Data Acquisition / Logging:  #'s -A      B - C      D      E - L     M - P      Q - T       U - V

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