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Data Acquisition / Data Logging Circuits
#'s -A      B - C      D      E - L     M - P      Q - T       U - V

Last Updated: June 02, 2021 01:44 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E.

   Digital noise generatorWhen you need to test an audio circuit with broadband noise, this circuit works great.  It uses just three inexpensive C-MOS ICs that generate a series of output pulses whose widths vary randomly.  I included a level control pot . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

   Divide a TTL Clock Signal by 1.5Two inexpensive ICs divide a TTL clock signal by 1.5.  By following the circuit with another flip/flop, you could also generate a divide by three function . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

   Divide By 1.5 CounterTwo inexpensive ICs divide a TTL clock signal by 1.5.  By following the circuit with another flip/flop, you could also generate a divide by three function. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

     Does Power Line have 120 VAC or 240 VAC?Two LEDs indicate if a power line has 120vac or 240vac voltage on it. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

   DVD Recorder + TV Camera Make Cheap Data LoggerSometimes recording the results of a test requires as much ingenuity as designing the product.  Consider a situation which requires the collection of many different variables over a long period of time . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-April, 2005

   Either indicates 120 VAC or 240 VAC  - Two LEDs indicate if a power line has 120vac or 240vac voltage on it. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

   Honeybee CounterI designed a circuit similar to this one a long time ago to help a beekeeper count the number of bees going into or out of a hive.  The low power circuit uses a slotted opto-sensor to detect the passing bees.  The circuit advances an electronic counting. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

   Indicates 120 VAC or 240 VA - CTwo LEDs indicate if a power line has 120vac or 240vac voltage on it . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-January, 2007

Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

DAA emulates central-office operation  -  07/08/98 EDN Design Ideas:  A modification of a DAA's interface provide as central-office-like operation for single-line telephones. Design by Jerzy Chrzaszcz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

DAQ Amplifier  -  This simple amplifier is useful for boosting small signals up to about +-12 volts.  Many low-cost data acquisition devices have full-scale inputs of +- 10 volts which limits their sensitivity, and the negative part of the input range is usually wasted, cutting the available resolution in half.  This amplifier runs on 5 to 6 VDC and generates +-15 VDC to power a single, low-power op-amp.  The op-amp circuit includes an offset voltage capable of converting a single-ended positive input into a symmetrical bipolar output.  Current consumption is low enough to run the amplifier from a lantern battery for over a year of continuous duty (about 1 mA).     __  Contact:  Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.

Data Acquisition & Logging System using AT89c51 & Visual Basic  -  This is actually a temperature logging System.  Here 8 temperature sensors areconnected (4 shown in diagram for simplicity).  values of all the sensors are sentserially by AT89C51 to pc.  Software "DAQ System " takes these valuesand show them on its front panel, and also logs them to the data base "daq.  mdb".  we can set some parameters like set point , low limit , and high limit  __ Contact Abbas Raza     jgen_17 @ yahoo.com

Data Acquisition Collection  -  AN62 Linear Technology This App Note presents a wide variety of data acquisition circuits.  The detailed circuit schematics cover 8-, 10-, and 12bit ADC and DAC applications, serial and parallel digital interfaces, battery monitoring, temperature sensing, isolated interfaces, and connections to various popular microprocessors and microcontrollers.  An appendix__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Data Acquisition Setup Measures Everything  -  08/03/00 EDN Design Ideas:  Using a product originally developed for PC-motherboard environmental monitoring, you can configure a low-cost, general-purpose DAS (data-acquisition system).  The DAS in Figure 1 can directly monitor multiple voltage channels, as well as temperature and frequency.  It can also monitor digital sensors.  Using only a few additional components, the system can accommodate other sensor and transducer elements.   Design by Matt Smith, Analog Devices, Limerick, Ireland - August 3, 2000

Data Acquisition System Protects Smart Grid Equipment from Harmful Faults While Improving Power Delivery  -  Analog Devices, inc. (ADi) today announced a data acquisition system (DAS) that enhances smart grid equipment monitoring in order__ 

Data acquisition system uses fault protection  -  04/15/04  EDN Design Ideas:  ensitive systems, such as those in aircraft, must withstand fault conditions, thereby avoiding component and system damage, because a sensor failure could cause a catastrophic event to occur.  A channel protector, comprising two n- Design by Catherine Redmond, Analog Devices, Limerick, Ireland

Data Acquisition System using Atmega8  -  We can use a PC for connecting the homemade data acquisition hardware and produce the GUI for user friendly graphical presentation easily.  One of the project that uses Visual Basic is the Data Acquisition & Logging System using AT89C51 made by Abbas Raza.  In this project we use a PC for GUI display and the homemade data converter board using the AVR microcontroller.  The circuit is built with the ATmega8.  The chip has the onchip 10-bit resolution A/D Converter.  Temperature sensor are connected to the 6 channels ADC input.   __ Designed by Dominikus ndom_dominikus @ yahoo.co.id

Data line filtering  -  Coilcraft RF Magnetics App Note- __ Designed by Coilcraft Power Magnetics Application Note

Data Logger  -  Schematic Only  - measures and stores voltage at specified intervals and dumps to rs232. 8192 samples. (16f876)  __ Designed by Jon Fick

Data-acquisition measures almost everything  -  11/09/00 EDN Design Ideas:  Using a product developed for PCmotherboard environmental monitoring, you can configure a lowcost, general-purpose DAS (dataacquisition system) (Figure 1).  The.   PDF contains multiple circuits, scroll to find the one of interest Design by Matt Smith, Analog Devices, Limerick, Ireland

Data-acquisition system captures 16-bit voltage measurements using the USB  -  05/25/06  EDN Design Ideas:  The USB has become the interface of choice for connecting to PCs.  Available on all relatively modernPCs, the USB offers a standard connector and can supply power to peripheralsat 5V and as much as 100 mA of current.  The circui Design by Terry Millward, Maxim Integrated Products Inc, Blonay, Switzerland

Data-acquisition system draws less than 10 m  -  EDN  Design ideas - 08/03/1995   The data-acquisition system in Fig 1 draws approximately 2.2 mA at 3.6V.  It consists of a state machine that converts the synchronous serial data from the A/D-converter chip into a standard baud rate framed with start and stop bits for easy interface with a computer's COM port.  The counter IC 1A controls the state machine; IC 2 decodes the states.  The first step is to program the A/D converter by shifting four bits into it. Design by Noor Khalsa, EG&G, Los Alamos, NM

Data-Acquisition System Is Cheap & Simple  -  12/31/69  EDN Design Ideas:  The most important criteria of a data-acquisition system for college science laboratories are simplicity and price rather than precision or speed.  The data-acquisition system in Figure 1 offers adequate precision of less than 0.  5% and speed of 1 Hz to rep Design by Tom Lyons Fisher, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA

DataLogger  -  Schematic Only  - measures and stores voltage at specified intervals and dumps to rs232. 8192 samples. (16f876)  __ Designed by Jon Fick

Decoder Safely Drives Data-Bus Buffer  -  07/18/96 EDN Design Ideas:  Under control of the decoder chip, a 74LS245 buffer separates the onboard data bus from the iSA bus.   Figure 1 shows a common way of implementing an i/O decoder for the iSA (or similar) bus.  Under control of the decoder chip, a 74LS245 buffer separates the onboard data bus from the iSA bus.  If the DiR and G/ signals derive only from decoder inputs, they change state simultaneously at the beginning and end of an i/O cycle.  Such behavior can cause undefined operation of the buffer with possible contention on the local or iSA bus (particularly if you use a faster version of the 245). Design by Piotr Mazur, Wikom, Warsaw, Poland

Differential Data-Acquisition System Runs At 625k Samples/Se  -  11/09/95 EDN Design Ideas:  Many applications require high-resolution, multichannel, large-bandwidth signal acquisition.  Some examples are vibration analysis, vehicle telemetry, and telecommunications.  You could use an array of A/D converters to address such applications, but ADCs are costly and consume considerable board space.  Figure 1 shows a complete and cost-effective, high-speed, differential, eight-channel, 12-bit acquisition system that uses few parts. Design by Kevin Hoskins, Linear Technology Corp Milpitas, CA

Digital Filter Cleans Up Noisy Data  -  03/02/06  EDN Design Ideas:  Cleans up data from pressure and temperature sensors Design by Richard Rice

Digital noise generator  -  When you need to test an audio circuit with broadband noise, this circuit works great.  It uses just three inexpensive C-MOS ICs  that generate a series of output pulses whose widths vary randomly.  I included a level control pot . . . Hobby Circuit designed by Dave Johnson P.E.-July 04, 2000

Digital Remote Thermometer  -  This circuit is intended for precision centigrade temperature measurement, with a transmitter section converting to frequency the sensor's output voltage, which is proportional to the measured temperature.  The output frequency bursts are conveyed into the mains supply cables.  The receiver section counts the bursts coming from mains supply and shows the counting on three 7-segment LED displays.  The least significant digit displays tenths of degree and then a 00.0 to 99.9 °C range is obtained.  Transmitter-receiver distance can reach hundred meters, provided both units are connected to the mains supply within the control of the same light-meter.   __ Contact Flavio Dellepiane, fladello @ tin.it

Digital Remote Thermometer  -  This circuit is intended for precision centigrade temperature measurement, with a transmitter section converting to frequency the sensor's output voltage, which is proportional to the measured temperature.  The output frequency bursts are conveyed into the mains supply cables.  The receiver section counts the bursts coming from mains supply and shows the counting on three 7-segment LED displays.  The least significant digit displays tenths of degree and then a 00.0 to 99.9 °C range is obtained.  Transmitter-receiver distance can reach hundred meters, provided both units are connected to the mains supply within the control of the same light-meter.  __ Learning Electronics

Divide a TTL Clock Signal by 1.5  -  Two inexpensive ICs  divide a TTL clock signal by 1.5.  By following the circuit with another flip/flop, you could also generate a divide by three function . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-July 06, 2000

Divide By 1.5 Counter  -  Two inexpensive ICs  divide a TTL clock signal by 1.5.  By following the circuit with another flip/flop, you could also generate a divide by three function . . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-July 06, 2000

Does Power Line have 120 VAC or 240 VAC?  -  Two LEDs indicate if a power line has 120vac or 240vac voltage on it . . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July 09, 2006

Dorji 433MHz Wireless Data Modules  -  Chinese 434MHz iSM data modules just keep getting better and better! __ SiliconChip

DVD Recorder + TV Camera Make Cheap Data Logger  -  Sometimes recording the results of a test requires as much ingenuity as designing the product.  Consider a situation which requires the collection of many different variables over a long period of time . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David Johnson P.E.-April 01, 2005

Data Acquisition / Logging:  #'s -A      B - C      D      E - L     M - P      Q - T       U - V

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