Meter/Data Acquisition Amplifier - This simple amplifier is useful for boosting small signals up to about +-12 volts. Many low-cost data acquisition devices have full-scale inputs of +- 10 volts which limits their sensitivity, and the negative part of the input range is usually wasted, cutting the available resolution in half. This amplifier runs on 5 to 6 VDC and generates +-15 VDC to power a single, low-power op-amp. The op-amp circuit includes an offset voltage capable of converting a single-ended positive input into a symmetrical bipolar output. Current consumption is low enough to run the amplifier from a lantern battery for over a year of continuous duty (about 1 mA). Switching to a micro-power op-amp will give decades from the same battery. Using a battery allows many experiments to "float, " often eliminating ground loop problems encountered when hooking experiments directly to a computer. __ Contact: Charles Wenzel of Wenzel Associates, Inc.
Minilogger V1.0 - Build your own a personal data logger for recording analog signal. The MiniLOGGER provides 8-channel analog input (-99mV to +999mV) , __ Designed by Wichit Sirichote
Monitoring Device Logs for Over 10 Days & Can Log Up to 32k Events Both Digital & Analog - PIC Project This is a circuit monitoring device. It runs for over 10 days and can log up to 32k events both digital and analog. Samples are logged either on a timing basis (.01 to 2.5 seconds) , or on a triggered basis. Four inputs are provided, up to three of which can be analog __ Designed by Luhan Monat-Mesa Arizona
Moving averager rejects noisy outlier values - EDN Design Ideas: 06/23/2016 improve data-acquisition performance by implementing a smart filter in your FPGA, SoC, or code. The moving average is a process that continuously computes the average over N samples of data flowing through a FiFO (First in First Out) buffer. Every new sample added to the buffer will remove the oldest sample used to compute the previous mean value. The smart moving-average is a variation on the theme; a digital circuit (Figure 1) where the idea is to collect the latest N measurements like a classical moving average, but new data will be added into the buffer (Sx) only if its value is within set limits of the actual average of the previous N samples. Design by David Vincenzoni
New 12-Bit Data Acquisition Systems Communicate with Microprocessors over 4 Wires - DN22 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices
New Data Acquisition Systems Communicate with Microprocessors over 4 Wires - DN1 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices
NOMOGRAPH-Reactance-Frequency - No description, just Graph - OpAmps Lab inc is the manufactor ofAmplifiers (Video / Audio / Distribution / Microphone / Equalization / Line / VCA / Power) , Switchers (Routing / Assign / Matrix) , Mult (Press) (Network-Feed) Boxes, Audio Transformers, Oscillators, Power-Supplies, Custom Sub-Systems. __ Application OpAmps Lab Inc.
Passive Monitors AES data - 02/17/00 EDN Design Ideas: The circuit in Figure 1 efficiently monitors common digital-audio signals. One format for such signals is the Audio Engineering Society (AES) 44.1- or 48-kHz standard. Typically, the data consists of a serial data stream with a data rate of approximately 1 Mbps. A lower frequency pulse interspersed in the data stream synchronizes data frames every 16 to 20 data bits. The amplitude of the data and sync pulses is 3 to 12V p-p, with one cycle of an ac wave representing each bit. Design by Wayne Sward
PC-Based ISA Data Acquisition & Control Board - The hardware is shown in the picture (might take a little while to load). Don't be the least bit concerned if you don't understand everything in the first few paragraphs below. Their purpose is to provide a brief description of the hardware to those who understand the terminology. __ Designed by Joe D. Reeder
PIC Projects: IoT Wi-Fi Temperature-Logging System - Here is a temperature data-logging system based on PIC 16F887 microcontroller (MCU) , Wi-FI and ThingSpeak application programming interface (APi). ThingSpeak is an open source internet of Things (ioT) application and API to__ Electronics Projects for You
PICAXE-18X 4-Channel Datalogger - it features four input channels that can be sampled and stored (or logged) at user-defined intervals. An onboard EEPROM stores the data.__ SiliconChip
Picaxe-18X 4-channel datalogger - Pt.3: adding a humidity sensor, more memory & a liquid crystal display__ SiliconChip
PICAXE-18X 4-channel datalogger Pt.2: - Adding a real-time clock__ SiliconChip
Precision Digital Altimeter - The current concept incorporates a wireless transmitter and receiver and is thought to be used for remote controlled airplanes or appliances with two separate parts. In other words, we have one dedicated transmitter (acquisition, filtering) and one dedicated receiver part (user-interface, look-up table, calibration, storage) , capable of being connected__
Precision Receiver Delay Improves Data Transmission - DN129 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices
Precision Temperature Logger & Controller, Part 1 - This Temperature Logger & Controller is based on the Dick Smith Electronics Q1437 digital thermometer. It records & displays two temperature channels once a second on a PC over a period of up to 12 hours. With appropriate thermocouples, temperatures from -200?C to +1300?C can be recorded, with the display range, resolution, and temperature program adjustable in real time while the data is being logged.__ SiliconChip
Printer Port Records Digital Waveforms - 06/18/98 EDN Design Ideas: (File includes several circuits - scroll to find this one) To record or capture special waveforms, those that appear once or have no fixed frequency, the usual technique is to use a logic analyzer or a storage oscilloscope. However, these tools are very expensive. Moreover, because of limited memory, a storage scope can record fewer than 1000 samples. The technique presented here provide as an alternative method to recording digital waveforms. The idea is to use the PC's printer port to sample waveforms, and the PC's memory to store data. Design by Dean Shen, Dycam Inc, Chatsworth, CA
PScope: High-Speed ADC Data Collection Software - When provides a customer with a high speed ADC demo board we also provide PScope, the software to evaluate the demo board. PScope is a simple software package that can collect, and display data from high speed ADC demo boards. It will also provide a simple and easy way to measure the key performance parameters __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Clarence Mayott Jan 4th 2011 |