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Data Acquisition / Data Logging Circuits
#'s -A      B - C      D      E - L     M - P      Q - T       U - V

Last Updated: November 22, 2021 02:41 PM

Circuits Designed by Dave Johnson, P.E.

   Either indicates 120 VAC or 240 VAC  - Two LEDs indicate if a power line has 120vac or 240vac voltage on it. . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-July, 2006

   Honeybee CounterI designed a circuit similar to this one a long time ago to help a beekeeper count the number of bees going into or out of a hive.  The low power circuit uses a slotted opto-sensor to detect the passing bees.  The circuit advances an electronic counting. . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July, 2000

   Indicates 120 VAC or 240 VA - CTwo LEDs indicate if a power line has 120vac or 240vac voltage on it . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-January, 2007

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Links to electronic circuits, electronic schematics and designs for engineers, hobbyists, students & inventors:

Eight Channel Data Acquisition & Logging System  -  in environments like factories, power plants and transformers in electricity substations, controlling temperature to a safe value is important.  Supervisory and control systems are used to monitor the temperature and other__ Electronics Projects for You

Eight-channel data-acquisition system features autocalibration  -  12/03/98 EDN Design Ideas:  The circuit in Figure 1  is a versatile, eight-channel, differential-input, 16-bit data-acquisition system.  A PC controls the circuit via the computer's parallel port.  Under control of the PC, you can select one of eight differential voltage inputs, each with a programmabl.      FILE has several circuits, scroll to this one Design by Mark Shill, Burr-Brown Corp, Tucson, AZMark Shill, Burr-Brown Corp, Tucson, AZ

Either indicates 120 VAC or 240 VAC   -  Two LEDs indicate if a power line has 120vac or 240vac voltage on it . . . Circuit by David A. Johnson P.E.-July 09, 2006

Electrically Isolating Data Acquisition Systems  -  DN10 Design Notes__ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Envelope Tracker Quells Jitter  -  07/07/94  EDN Design Ideas:  Fig 1's envelope tracking circuit solves the problem of receiving ac-coupled NRZ data over a coaxial data link.  Because the spectral content of the NRZ data approaches dc (even with alternate frame inversion) , the signal tends to integrate in any ac-coupl Design by Roger C Whipple, Hazeltine Corp, Braintree, MA

Experimental Laser Data Link  -  This document tells about one of my experiments with semiconductor laser modules.  I bought one semiconductor laser for all kinds of experiments.  This TiM202 module is a small (38x14x14 mm) semiconductor laser module, similar to those types used in laser pointers.  It takes 3V 45mA and outputs 3-5mW 670nm laser beam. __ Designed by Tomi Engdahl

Fabricate a High-Resolution Sensor-To-USB Interface  -  11/17/11  EDN Design Ideas:  A precision analog acquisition system fits in your pocket.  The circuit in this Design idea combines a mixed-signal microcontroller, a USB UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter) , and a novel adaptable analog sensor-input circuit.  It allows you to connect many types of sensors to the design’s two analog-input channels, control the device, and read measurement data on a USB host.  The USB connection powers the circuit.  You can control the device from your computer with simple commands; even terminal software can make the measurements Design by Zoltan Gingl, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary

Filter for the Earthworm Seismic Data Acquisition System  -  The following design criteria were used to design the Earthworm Filter board.  It had to provide low output impedance, a low-pass filter of at least one pole, preferrably it should use low power so that no external power would be necessary__ 

General-Purpose Components Implement USB-Based Data-Acquisition System  -  26-Jun-08 EDN Design Ideas:  A serial ADC communicates with a PC's USB port through a serial-to-parallel converter and a USB-interface IC  Design by V Gopalakrishnan, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India

Honeybee Counter  -  I designed a circuit similar to this one a long time ago to help a beekeeper count the number of bees going into or out of a hive.  The low power circuit uses a slotted opto-sensor to detect the passing bees.  The circuit advances an electronic counting . . . Circuit by Dave Johnson P.E.-July 08, 2000

Indicates 120 VAC or 240 VAC  -  Two LEDs indicate if a power line has 120vac or 240vac voltage on it . . . Hobby Circuit designed by David A. Johnson P.E.-July 09, 2006

Inexpensive envelope tracker handles wide signal variations  -  06/22/06 EDN Design Ideas:  Two ICs  recover NRZ data.  Converting band-limited NRZ (non-return-to-zero) data to a digital format suitable for microprocessors and other digital systems poses problems when a signal's duty cycle or amplitude varies or when its average level unpredictably wanders within a given dc range.  Transferring the signal to a fixed-reference comparator using ac coupling produces poor results because changes in duty cycle cause variations in average signal level that result in jitter or distortion of the output signal's timing. Design by Anthony Smith

Interfacing the LTC1290  -  AN36 A collection of interface applications between various microprocessors/ controllers and the LTC1290 family of data acquisition systems.  The note is divided into sections specific to each interface.  __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

IR Terminal, Remote  -  This unit provide 2 way IR communications using a numeric keypad and an LCD display.  Data is sent and recieved in acsiI with no regard to what the data means to any particular device __ Designed by Luhan Monat - Mesa Arizona

K2LMG/W5EUT 1-Wire Barometer--5/10 Volt Design vrs 2  -  This article describes details for constructing a 1-Wire Barometer which will work on a Dallas Semiconductor Corporation 1-Wire network.  It differs from the popular Version 1.1a in that it has more than twice the resolution. __ Designed by David W. Bray

K2LMG/W5EUT 1-Wire Barometer--5/10 Volt Design Vrs 3  -  This article describes details for constructing a 1-Wire Barometer which will work on a Dallas Semiconductor Corporation 1-Wire network.  This design differs from the popular Version 1.1a in that it has more than twice the resolution. __ Designed by David W. Bray

Keyboard Data Acquisition System is Cheap & Simple  -  02/03/00 EDN Design Ideas:  The most important criteria of a data-acquisition system for college science laboratories are simplicity and price rather than precision or speed.  The data-acquisition system in Figure 1 offers adequate precision of less than 0.   5% and speed of 1 Hz to replace the outdated laboratory chart recorder in student Design Tom Lyons Fisher, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA

Keyboard Data-Acquisition System Is Cheap & Simple  -  EDN Design Ideas:  December 31, 1969    The most important criteria of a data-acquisition system for college science laboratories are simplicity and price rather than precision or speed.  The data-acquisition system in Figure 1 offers adequate precision of less than 0.   5% and speed of 1 Hz to replace the outdated laboratory chart recorder in student laboratories.  You can install the system in 5 sec, operate it with a single toggle switch, and construct it for approximately $40.  The only additional equipment necessary is a computer running Excel and an ATbus (not Universal serial bus) , keyboard.    __ Circuit Design by Tom Lyons Fisher, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA

LAN-DAS a LAN Based Data Acquisition System  -  The LAN DAS was designed to fill a very real need which I always have in the Lab, which is: "How do I quickly read some data or control some hardware when the whole system isn't available?" I solved this with the LAN DAS a LAN based data acquisition system.  The LAN DAS contains a LAN aware, 16 bit Microprocessor that is driven via acsiI commands from a Telnet or web browser application.  The unit combines 16 digital i/O ports, 12 bit, eight input A/D channels and eight D/A converter outputs __ Designed by Steve Hageman

Laser Data Links  -  Quit shining laser pointers at people and use them for something useful.  __ Green Bay Professional Packet Radio

LCD thermometer  -  in this page, I introduce the LCD thermometer which is sold by "AkizukI DenshI Tsusho".  At this thermometer, the IC thermo sensor (S8100) or the diode (1S1588) is used as the thermo sensor.  When using the IC thermo sensor, the thermometry to +100°C from -40°C is possible.  Also, when using the diode, the measurement to +150°C from -20°C is possible.  Both sensors are contained in the kit.   __ Designed by Seiichi Inoue

LCD thermometer using PIC16F871  -  Build your own temperature meter for fun.  This project uses the Microchip TC77 digital temperature sensor,  a PIC 16F871 microcontroller and a 7-segment 3˝ digit LCD.  You can study the source code on how to drive an LCD display.   __ Designed by Peter Jakab

Lie Detector  -  Here's a simple lie detector that can be built in a few minutes, but can be incredibly useful when you want to know if someone is really telling you the truth.  It is not as sophisticated as the ones the professionals use, but it works.  It works by measuring skin resistance, which goes down when you lie __ Designed by Aaron Cake

Lie Detector  -  The circuit diagram of the Lie Detector is shown above.   it consists of three transistors (TR1 to TR3) , a capacitor (C1) , two lights or LEDs (L1 & L2) , five resistors (R1 to R5) , and a variable resistor (VR1).  This circuit is based on the fact that a person's skin resistance changes when they sweat (sweating because they're lying).  Dry skin has a resistance of about 1 million ohms, whereas the resistance of moist skin is reduced by a factor of ten or more. __ Designed by  © Hack Canada

Logging Photodiode JFET Amplifier with 1pA Input Bias Current  -  The 1pA input bias current contributes only 0.  4fA/rtHz of current noise or 0.  4nV/rtHz voltage noise with a 1Mohm source impedance.  Photodiode current is converted to a voltage by the first op amp and D1 and amplified by the first, second and third logarithmic compression amplifiers.  __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices App Note, Mar 22, 2010

Low-Cost Laser Data Links  -  Quit shining laser pointers at people and use them for something useful.  __ Green Bay Professional Packet Radio

LTC1099 Enables PC-Based Data Acquisition Board to Operate DC-20kHz  -  AN34 A complete design for a data acquisition card for the iBM PC is detailed in this application note.  Additionally, C language code is provided to allow sampling of data at speed of more than 20kHz.  The speed limitation is strictly based on the execution speed of the "C" data acquisition loop.  A "Turbo" XT (add 1/06) __ Linear Technology/Analog Devices

Data Acquisition / Logging:  #'s -A      B - C      D      E - L     M - P      Q - T       U - V

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